6:56 am - Thursday - March 20th - TWW - 34° F, humidity 47%, wind 8 mph out of the southeast....mostly clear skies today with a forecast high of 61° F. The weather outlook for the next week is pretty nice....
....we'll actually get into the 80's for the first time in a couple of months, and the lows will be in the 40's and 50's.....suweet!Our dental appointments Wednesday were for 9 am (Arizona Time) in Los Algodones, so we were up by 7 am, so we would be ready to leave at 8 am....that's kind of why I wrote my blogpost for Tuesday, on Tuesday evening. We were out the door, and in the Beetle by 8 am as planned, arriving at the border parking lot around 8:20 am. By the way, they've raised the daily parking rate from $6 to $10 since we there last April.
It only takes us 10 minutes to make the walk from the parking lot to Dr. Urena's office. We always try to get there 30 minutes early hoping we will be called in for our cleanings and checkups early, and that was the case once again. I was in the chair by 8:40 am. I had thought the last time I had my teeth cleaned was last April, so I thought it had been less than a year, but that April appointment was for the installation of TLE's two new crowns. I was last there in November of 2023, so it had been a year and 4 months, not 11 months....doh! This most recent visit marks 10 years that we have been going to Dr. Eva Urena in Los Algodones....that does not seem possible. We love her, and the excellent dental care she has provided for us for over a decade now, and we really love the prices!
My negligence resulted in me needing a 'DEEP CLEANING' on the two upper quadrants of my mouth (right and left), so instead of being in the chair for 20 minutes, I was there for an hour. Thankfully, I only had tartar buildup, and no cavities. TLE, as is most often the case (except for last year), had no issues, and her cleaning/checkup only took 20 minutes. Next Fall we'll head there directly from LPG&RVR, then back to Northern Arizona, so it will only be 7 months in between cleanings. Then we'll go again before we leave to head back to LPG&RVR in April of 2026.
Speaking of LPG&RVR, our current plans are to return this year, and possibly next year (Summer of 2026), but that could change. We don't like to plan that far ahead. We are talking about the possibility of just remaining here at TWW for the summer of 2026....we'll see. We have fallen in love with Northern Arizona, and particularly TWW, but are still not sure about spending the summer here.
By the time we arrived back at the Beetle it was 10:30 am. We still needed to top off our fuel tank for the drive back to TWW, so we stopped at the Fry's Supermarket at Fortuna Rd. and I-8 to do just that. By the time we left Fry's to finish our 285 mile drive home it was 11 am. In all we made three stops, including one at the intersection of Highway 95 and I-40 to let TLE drive us home. After a quick stop in Kingman to once again top off our tank we were home just after 4 pm......so 5.5 hours from Los Algodones to TWW with three stops.....way better than I expected.
Charles and Phyllis arrived at TWW around 3 pm, and were there to welcome us home. We had snacks for 'dinner' with them in the house, and were back at the Newell by 6:30 pm. No more long drives until I head back to Flagstaff on the 28th for the results of my MRI.
Thanks for stopping by!