TLE is in Seaside, the name suggests, on the coast of Oregon, just south of Astoria. She is enjoying cool temps in the 50' it is mid 80's with high humidity....please, I can hear you whispering.....I know when I use the term "high humidity" it's relative to what I have lived most of my life enjoying. Most of my life was lived in the desert that is called Southern California, the humidity hovers around 44%.....comfortable. When it gets above 80% it gets "uncomfortable".....for me, and it has been well above 80% these past few days here at the IMS.
I was up Thursday by 7 am, wrote the blog and then headed outside to wash some more of the coach before the sun got too high in the sky, and the aforementioned humidity became uncomfortable. I was able to get the back of the coach, and half way up the driver's side before it started getting sticky. I slipped back into the air controlled environment of the coach to cool down. While that was happening I made a bowl of dry cereal, got dressed, and headed back to 38th Street to check out some of the thrift stores I had seen the day before. I thought the Salvation Army Thrift Store was the best of the two I visited......amazing selection of pre-owned clothing, and I almost pulled the trigger on a few items, but in the end decided I could live without them.....and this was their 50% off day.
I also had seen a Peddler's Mall down near the Interstate so I checked that out too, and was totally was nothing like the one in Campbellsville, KY that we frequented often while we were there working at I spent about 5 minutes inside, and headed for the door.
Next up was lunch at White Castle's. Some may find this hard to believe, but I have never had a slider at White Castle's before, let alone eaten there. I've been told over and over again since we have been here in Indianapolis that I must go there at least once. I ordered the #1 Combo....4 sliders, fries, and a Mr. Pibb. Quite frankly I was pleasantly surprised at how tasty they were. I'm not really a fast food kind of guy.....I may have a Western Bacon Cheeseburger at Carl's Jr./Hardees a few times a year, but generally we are looking for something unique when we visit a new area, and, after all, how many fast food places have had a move made about them (Harold and Kumar go to White Castle)....I guess that may qualify them as unique.
I stopped off at Kroger's to pick up some milk, and a few other beer staples then headed home arriving about 2 this time the driver's side of the coach was in the shade again, so I finished both the driver's side up to the front cap, and then finished the passenger side up to the front cap....only the front cap left to do, and I think I'll do that when I return from Michigan next week.
I spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the effectiveness of my air conditioning, napping, and watching a little PGA Golf. Later in the evening I watched a couple of recorded TV programs, then watched the first half of the Pacers/Heat game.......early in the 3rd quarter the Heat began to pull away, and, as I found out this morning, they won by back to Indianapolis for game 6. I was in bed a little after 10, but woke up in a sweat around 2:30 am......I looked at the temperature and it read 86! Wow, time for some A/ I got up and turned on the front A/C and then went back to sleep.
It's about 6:30 am on Friday, and it has started raining....the forecast locally is 60% chance of thunder showers throughout the morning, so it looks like I may have the top up for the first part of my drive up north to Michigan.
One interesting side note.....a few months ago while we were still in Cedar Key Chris and Cherie of Technomadia fame interviewed us for their video series "Ramblings: Tales from Nomads". We were notified by them a few days ago that they had finished editing the video and it was going live on their website. Well it did, and now FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) has picked up the video and has included it on their site, too. You can click on the "Ramblings" link, or the FMCA link to watch the interview. We were very pleased with it, and I hope you will be, also.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago