8:12 am - Mountain Time - Saturday - 65° F, 52% humidity, wind 3 mph out of southeast.....heavy cloud cover......began raining late Friday afternoon, and continued on and off most of the night. Spent the night and early morning binge watching 'Breaking Bad' at the urging of many of my Facebook friends, and didn't get to bed until almost 1:30 am.....slept with two pillows to keep my upper body elevated to alleviate the coughing urge, and it helped. Breaking Bad gets a 5 star (1-5....5 being best) rating from IMDB on over 630,000 reviews.....that's pretty solid, and so far I am enjoying it!
I continue to be under the weather.....I can almost hear the 'clucking' out there in cyberland....."He's not going to write about how sick he is again!"......well, yes I am. This is, after all is said and done, a blog about my life such as it is. Sometimes it is about 'nothing', and sometimes it is actually about something.....TLE says I am a terrible patient, but she faithfully and patiently tends to my needs....of course she is right. All that being said I continue to battle this cold that wants so desperately to take me down.....I continue to take ZICAM® a few times per day, and RICOLA® as needed to abate my cough accompanied by an occasional hot cup of honey tea courtesy TLE....so far I'm only having to blow my nose on occasion. I'm hoping I will turn the corner soon as our lift off date is Monday.
Since I was feeling under the weather I pretty much stayed inside all day, venturing outside for just about 15 minutes mid afternoon to dump the black tank....doesn't matter how one feels, when the black tank calls you must answer, right? TLE spent a good portion of her day playing cards with Darlene........they love to play cards. Since we have been here in Wittmann this time around Darlene has been pretty much dominating TLE.....TLE is very competitive, and keeps going back for more....she finally won a game Friday.
That was pretty much my Sicko day #3......hoping for better news by the end of Saturday on the health front......thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago