Nashville skyline
The night next to the Cracker Barrel in Manchester, TN was what we like....uneventful! BUT, vey, very cold....for the first time in several months we had to turn on the block heater to start the Detroit Diesel. This was after I had turned on both electric heaters, and the gas furnace that heats the bathroom to warm up the coach from 58 degrees! We're not in Florida anymore, obviously.
Originally we had decided to take two days from Manchester to reach Campbellsville, KY, but the forecast was for wind Monday, and it is no fun driving a rig with a high profile in wind....we not only have a high profile, but a LONG profile. So, we decided to pound out the 211 miles to Campbellsville in one day.
The weather was spectacular, to go along with the scenery. As we hit the Kentucky border the landscape began to open up a little revealing large pastures, and nice vistas. I like to stop about every 60 miles, or so, but, amazingly, there were no rest areas. Then we hit Nashville where the exit to I-65 northbound was closed.....ugh....I hate driving in traffic the long way around any metropolitan city, but we had no choice but to add a few miles to our drive this day. When we are back in the area in the Fall we will take a long weekend to come down and properly visit Nashville.
We hit the Louie B. Nunn Parkway north of Bowling Green, KY and headed directly east. What a beautiful parkway this is.....as good, or better than the Interstate, for sure! We finally came up on SR55 and headed north to Campbellsville, but not before stopping at the local Tractor Supply store to park, and take a lunch break. I'm always looking for large parking lots that I can pull into when I need a break, and no rest areas are in sight. This one really fit the bill.
We arrived in Campbellsville around, what we thought was 2pm, but we both forgot that we had re-entered the Eastern Time Zone, and, therefore, lost back that hour we gained in Alabama. We have found that Campbellsville is also a college town, home to Campbellsville University, and on top of that they have several of the box stores......Lowe's, Walmart, Tractor Supply, Kroger, and a number of national fast food chains. What they don't have is a good Mexican Restaurant....that is not to say they don't have Mexican Restaurants. We went to dinner at Garcia's, which had the highest rating of the three in town (on Yahoo), but were very disappointed in everything except the chips and salsa, which were very good. Usually if the chips and salsa are good the food is good, but this restaurant works hard to disprove that thesis. Not only that, but due to local liquor laws they are not able to serve alcohol on Sundays.....what is Mexican food without Dos Equis draft? The final blow came when I gave the hostess our debit card to pay for the meal and she returned to my table without it.....hmmm? We looked on the floor around the register, under tables, and she finally found it on the floor in the kitchen....we will not be returning there!
Well, we parked in the Walmart to unload the T-Bird so we could drive around the town a little and find the Amazon Fulfillment Center, and an RV Park to stay in for two days. We located Heartland RV Park right across the street from the Amazon Center, and pulled in and snagged a spot....only 5, or 6 RV's here right now. We, unfortunately, did not call them fast enough and they got booked for the Fall, but we are on the waiting list. Tomorrow we will drive up to the park we do have a reservation at, Lakeway RV park, and check it out.

Our views today.......

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