We're kind of into an every other day of rain/drizzle.....Saturday dawned overcast after raining all day Friday, but quickly began to clear around 10am, and remained nice the rest of the day. Elaine and I took a 2.5 mile walk for the second day in a row, this time joined by Karen, Bob's wife. I puttered around the coach putting the tire covers on to keep my just recently polished aluminum wheels free from water spots. I got the tandem assembled, and out of the trailer into the barn in front of which we are parked, and put the front wheel on Elaine's bike (we take the front wheels off our road bikes, and tandem to make it easier to store them in the trailer during travel). I fixed my Texas Longhorn flip flops for the 3rd and final time......if they come apart again, I am done with them.
While I was puttering Elaine and Karen drove into Anacortes where Karen had a 1pm hair appointment. They did the drive in the T'Bird. Right after the girls left Bob came up and I showed him some of my LED conversions I had done on many of my formerly fluorescent light fixtures.
Later I got out our folding love seat chair and spent the rest of the afternoon reading a Max Brand book on my Kindle, and enjoying the balmy afternoon air, and sun showers.
I think the girls finally returned home around 6pm announcing plans for a great dinner to include green spinach soup (served cold, and included avocados, cilantro, peppers, and, of course, spinach - which was VERY tasty!), asparagus with hollandaise sauce, and grilled salmon....YUM! We chased that amazing meal with a glass of Head Turner Wine Pinot Noir.
09:57am - Today, Sunday, we awakened to drizzle. I got out of bed around 6am this morning and turned on the Tour d' France which featured a stage through the Pyrenees Mountains including a 17% grade on part of the climb, and a spectator throwing tacks, or nails into the path of the several of the riders at the top of that steep climb. I think there were over 30 flat tires in all. The leaders, after hearing what had happened, slowed down to allow those who were sabotaged to catch up.....that's what I call good sportsmanship!
I think Elaine and I will head out on a walk within the hour, whether, or not it has stopped drizzling.
Stay tuned for more later on today!
12:45pm - Just returned from a 5.2 mile walk in the drizzle.....got to get our legs used to walking 5+ miles per day for Amazon.com in Campbellsville, KY in October....riding bikes won't get that done......in 3 days we have walked 2.25 + 2.25 + 5.2 miles = 10.2 miles!
Elaine just fixed us hot Minestrone soup with sour dough toast.....great choice for a rainy/drizzly day!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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