Thursday, December 13, 2018


6:34 am - Thursday - December 13th - Campbellsville, KY - 46º F, 78% humidity, wind 4 mph out of the southeast....cloudy today with a forecast high of 61º F.....yup, schizophrenic weather!

Going to work Wednesday we knew we only had to work 10 hours and we would be off for another day (Thursday) before beginning the final 4 ten hour shifts on Friday (with the remote possibility of an MET day on is still on as of this writing).  As we moved from quarter to quarter in rapid succession I was thinking about how much easier Amazon was this time around compared to the first time back in 2012.  Already knowing your job, and what is expected helps.  When you are learning a new job time seems to pass much more slowly because of your lack of confidence in what you are doing, and whether you are doing it correctly.  Neither of us had much of an issue with our feet as we did back in 2012 when we were soaking our aching feet after every shift in epsom salts and hot water.  During the shift I caught brief glimpses out the emergency exit doors of a bright, sun shinny day, but by the time we exited the concrete bunker a little after 5 pm it was to heavy cloud cover, but relatively warm temps considering what time of year it is in central Kentucky.

At our first quarter break (9 am) TLE and I decided we would go out to dinner after work, which is something we have not done on a work day since we arrived, even if we are off work the next day.  It just seemed that it was time to revisit our beloved Brothers BBQ, so within minutes of returning home we were in the VW and on our way over to Brothers for a couple of full slabs of St. Louis Spare Ribs.....of course there were a couple of Christmas Ale's to be enjoyed.....

......the service at Brother's is quite exceptional, and within 5 minutes of placing our order we had our brews, and then our ribs.....TLE managed to down about 1/3 of her ribs, and I slightly over half before we surrendered and requested a takeout box to take the remains of our spoils home to serve as a future dinner.  The price point on a full slab of St. Louis Spare Ribs is $20.95, while the price for a 1/2 slab is only $4 less, so buying the full slab, and then taking the leftovers home really makes this an economical meal.....two for the price of one......

There is so much meat on these ribs!

.....we were home a little after 6 pm  which is a testament to the fast service at Brothers!  

We watched a couple more Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel before calling it a night about 9:30 pm.  I am still thinking about those ribs as I write this morning, and knowing there is another slab of ribs awaiting me for dinner tonight just puts a big smile on my face.  Just 8 days counting from Wednesday until we roll our wheels.....

Thanks for stopping by!

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