Thursday, June 2, 2022


 6:25 am - Thursday - June 2nd - Likely, CA - 47° F, humidity 58%, wind - CALM.....mostly cloudy today with a forecast high of 74° F.  On this date in 2014 I rode the 'Flume Trail' in South Lake this amazing shot of Sand Harbor......↴

Having expectations is a tricky thing, because most often you are disappointed when they don't come to pass, or maybe you're not disappointed, because you were hoping for something different than your expectations.  On Wednesday I expected we would not be very busy, and TLE concurred, so I only staged the five Club Car electrics, then went out to act as Marshall for the morning.  I headed first to the tee boxes at #3 to find for the second day in a row NO goose droppings.....can it be that the geese have moved northward toward Canada?  We can only view at the 3rd tee boxes on Wednesday......

.....I hung out at the 3rd tee boxes until the first golfers began to arrive, then headed over to the 12th hole to rake the sand trap there, then up to the 4th hole to do the same.  By that time the first wave of golfers had passed, so I then headed to 15, then 18 to rake those traps.  As I was finishing with the sand trap on 18 I called TLE to see if she needed more carts.....she replied that she had Dennis stage most of the Yamahas, so I headed back to stage the rest.  In all we rented 15 golf carts Wednesday....way more by a factor of 3 than either of us expected.  To me that was good news, because it meant I would stay busy the rest of the day.

At the request of two of our full time (summer time anyway) tenants up on Hamel Way I took my Husqvarna weed whipper up to their home to level a few hundred square feet of weeds behind the home.  Then I headed out to the golf course to do some trimming around two of the sand traps I had just raked (4, and 12).  By the time I finished with them, plus the bridge over the creek on fairway 4 it was time to relieve TLE for her lunch break.

I usually read my book for most of TLE's lunch break, but there was a steady stream of customers checking into the park, buying baskets of range balls, or rounds of golf, so the hour passed pretty quickly.

After lunch the carts began to return a couple at a time, so I stayed busy cleaning, and returning them to the cart shed.  By the time 5 pm rolled around I was one tired puppy once again.  Charles and Phyllis had left around 11 am for the next destination on their summer tour, so TLE and I retired to the 'lido deck' for adult beverages, and eventually one of the most amazing Pastrami sandwiches I have had the pleasure of eating in recent memory....just what I needed to inject some energy back into my tired body.....

Proof of love.....a toasted Pastrami sandwich for dinner!

......we stayed outside long enough to have to turn on the gas fire place, and then retired to the Newell interior about 7 pm with smiles upon our faces.

Thanks for stopping by!

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