7:21 am - Tuesday - December 5th - GNHS - 50° F, humidity 90%, wind 2 mph out of the east.....partially cloudy skies today with a forecast high of 73° F. On this date in 2019 TLE and I were riding the Ferris Wheel at the Festival of Lights in Riverside, CA......↴
The clutter on my workbench has been bugging me for a while now, but I wasn't sure how I would reorganize it to make it any better, so I just kept deferring any action. There was just to much stuff, and I did not seem to have anywhere else to place it. I woke up early Monday morning thinking about that, and lay there picturing it in my mind. Suddenly I had an idea, but it was 4 am, and not time to even remotely be thinking about getting out of bed. I come up with some of my best solutions to 'problems' between 2 am and 4 am. I was so energized at finally devising a solution that I tossed and turned for another hour before falling back asleep.So, what was my solution? Well, it involved the elimination of one of my Rubber Maid storage boxes in the cabinet by consolidating what was in it to another storage box under the workbench, as well as one under the tool table. Once that space was free a lot of things could be moved from the workbench.
However, before any of that could happen I needed another soak in the hot tub, so around 9 am I headed down to do just that for about 45 minutes, then upon my return I dove headlong into the decluttering of the workbench.......
....there used to be one of those clear Rubber Maid containers (above) with a blue lid (top of shelf) below where that red square is with the 3 red arrows pointing at it. The stuff that is there now was moved from the red square with 4 red arrows pointing at it on the workbench (below)....
.....there was a whole bunch of Velcro in the space directly to the left of that red square that is now in the clear container with a blue lid directly above the red square in the first picture....confusing, right? Relocating all that stuff freed up a lot of room in the shelving on the workbench, and now I can easily access everything there, and the clutter mostly gone....those three rattle cans (spray paint - green and orange) will be gone Tuesday when I use them to freshen the paint on the two green, round tables, and the two orange Adirondack chairs on the 'lido deck'.
I got so inspired that I decided to donate a garment bag I've been hauling around for a few years now, and a set of clubs given to me recently by Kyle, who found them left in one of the RV sites here at GNHS. I spent a couple of hours a week, or so ago cleaning them for eventual donation. We'll donate them, along with the electronic cords, and gate valves on the picnic table to the Frugal Coyote (thrift store) in Borrego Springs when we are there on Wednesday....

.....why are we going to be in Borrego Springs Wednesday? Well, I have my annual cardiology appointment with Dr. Mulvihill early Thursday morning, so we're driving to Borrego Springs Wednesday to spend the night at that cool mid century modern hotel (Palms and Indian Head), and then drive the final 60 miles to Poway Thursday morning. By the time I finished decluttering the workbench, the cabinet, and the trailer in general it was 1 pm, and time for lunch and a nap. Decluttering is exhausting, and there is still a long way to go....lol.
TLE made me a hot pastrami sandwich for lunch after which I took a long nap, then I retired to my anti gravity chair on the 'lido deck' for the balance of the afternoon to take another nap, or two. All too soon it was 4 pm and time to watch the Chocolate Mountains light up, and the sun set over the Salton Sea....
.....the cloud formations on this evening were spectacular!
It is the Christmas season so TLE and I watched our first Hallmark Christmas movie Monday night before heading off to dreamland once again.
Thanks for stopping by!
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