7:46 am - Friday - January 24th - TWW - 23° F, humidity 18% , wind 6 mph out of the east by southeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies again today with a forecast high of 56° F. On this date in 2013 we witnessed one of the most beautiful sunsets during our 5 week stay at Cedar Key, FL....
....the setting sun was perfectly reflected off the glassy smooth water. I don't know if we will ever return to Cedar Key, but the memories of our 5 week stay there from December 2012 to February 2013 are still very fresh, even after 12 years.
We hadn't planned on doing a tree trimming, or building any rock borders around any trees, but somehow that is exactly what happened. TLE had mentioned to me Wednesday night that Phyllis wanted some of the tree limbs on the juniper trees between the back porch of the house, and the battery room cut so she would be able to drive either of the side by sides around that circle. That' show it started. Of course, I was more than happy to test one of the new Stihl chains I had bought in Prescott, and it worked perfectly! It cut through large branches like a knife through warm butter. Before I knew it TLE was gathering large rocks to form a border, or curb around the three trees I was pruning....
.....around 2 pm Charles advised he was ready to reinflate the left rear tire on the Ford tractor, so I left off working on the truck, and joined him. The process included injecting window washer fluid (it will not freeze down to 10° F, or something like that). We used one of my water pumps to pump the solution from a 5 gallon bucket into the tire until it was level with valve stem (we had parked the tractor with the valve stem in the 12 o'clock position). Once that was achieved we then added 20 PSI of compressed air to the tire. The result was that for which we had hoped.....a fully inflated tire.....
....it took us the better part of two hours beginning to end, but we were successful, so now I can begin to level our permanent site!
Phyllis and TLE made waffles for dinner with a side spinach greens salad. We've all talked about wanting waffles for dinner for a couple of weeks, so Phyllis brought a waffle iron up from Phoenix on this most recent trip. We love our meals together. We talk about everything under the sun, and laugh a lot. They'll be heading back south on Friday, so we'll be by ourselves once again.
Our solar array begins to tilt towards the sun earlier and earlier. Thursday they began to tilt at 8:14 am.....that's an improvement of 10 minutes since we first set up the array. I can imagine that within a month they will begin to tilt before 8 am....nice. We've been getting back to 100% on both house and the two Bluetti battery banks (shed and trailer) before noon every day lately, and as a result spend less time thinking about their status. Now that the tractor is fixed there will be a lot of new stuff getting done around TWW.
Thanks for stopping by!
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