7:11 am - Tuesday - February 25th - TWW - 43° F, humidity 41%, wind 3 mph out of the east by southeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 74° F. On this date in 2013 TLE and I were in West Palm Beach, FL with Ernie and Carol Prociw having lunch at the Tiki Bar.....
TLE and I promised ourselves Monday would be another easy day, which would include a trip into Seligman to retrieve our mail, and buy a couple of things at the General Store (hardware store). We figured by the time we returned it would be late morning, and not a lot of time to commit to any big projects. Sometimes things don't work out the way you hoped they would. Sometimes a day just evolves of its own accord, and there is nothing you can do to change the outcome.We left for the hour round trip drive into Seligman around 9:30 am to find that the main north south arterial had recently been scraped, which made the 7 mile drive out to US-66 much more pleasant than it has been for awhile. I think the last time they ran the road grader up and down the road was two months ago....just before Christmas. Our first stop was the General Store where we bought a couple of 2" diameter nipples, and a pitch fork for TLE. Next we hit the Post Office where we had 5 packages awaiting our retrieval in a parcel locker, then over to Seligman Market for some produce, then back to Family Dollar for a few more things. We're going to Prescott on Thursday, so we'll do our big shopping then.
By the time we returned to TWW it was getting close to 11:30 am, just as I thought would be the case. So far, so good. There were a few smallish projects I wanted to attend to before dinner. One was to back the Jeep out of the garage and remove the full doors, the two side panels, and the rear panel. It's getting warmer and the Jeep interior is really kind of claustrophobic with the entire enclosure installed...
.....I'll install the half doors, and she'll be ready to drive. Another thing I wanted to do was to drill some holes in the railroad ties out of which we made the new raised growing bed so I could pound some rebar into each corner to keep its square shape. I managed to get one hole drilled, and rebar pounded into the southeast corner...sort of a proof of concept.....
.....it worked well, so I'll drill three more holes (one in each remaining corner) on Tuesday.While I was in the greenhouse vicinity I decided to see of I could reinstall a window pain in the entry door to the greenhouse that has been detached for years. When we were working on the greenhouse Saturday I tried to install the pane, but it appeared to all of us that it didn't fit, so must not really belong to the door. I was sure it did, but I deferred my second attempt to another time. Well, no time like the present. After fiddling with the pane for 20 minutes, or so, I finally managed to figure out how it fit, and this is the result....
.....its a little dirty, but it fits. I'll have to secure it with a couple of screws as the plastic hardware that keeps it in place is in pretty bad shape.Next up I needed to complete a long, long deferred project of hard wiring the newer Norcold into our 12 volt system. Since we installed it back in the Spring of 2020 we have just utilized the cigarette lighter plug in the through bay to power it, but it comes loose once and a while. TLE has been gently coaxing me to finish the job, so I decided to tackle it.....
....it was way easier than I thought. In fact, when I removed the steel plate I noticed the ground wire to the cigarette light plug was loose, which explains why we've had intermittent problems with the Norcold not coming on to cool down. Anyway, it is now officially hardwired.Another issue which only developed Sunday was we couldn't start the Yamaha Rhino to move it to the new carport. It ran out of gas Sunday after Charles and Phyllis left, and even though I refilled the tank it wouldn't start. I began by removing the air filter to find it was badly clogged, and might be restricting airflow, so I clean it thoroughly, and reinstalled it. It still wouldn't start. For an internal combustion to run you need air, fuel, and spark. I surmised that perhaps the fuel system was vapor locked, so I retrieved a spray bottle of ether, sprayed a healthy dose into the carburetor, then turned over the engine.....it fired right up! Now I could move it into the carport....
......we weren't sure whether both side by sides would fit end to end, but they do.It was now getting late into what I had thought would be an easy day when TLE and I decided to put up our patio awning sun shades. It's getting warmer, and with the passenger side of the coach facing the sun all day long now it is getting pretty warm inside in the late afternoon....
......so now our 'lido deck' is finally taking shape, and it has been a long time coming!TLE got out her 'Cowboy wok' for the first time to cook dinner around 3:30 pm, which consisted of BLT sandwiches.....YUM! We also, actually ate dinner outside for the first time since we arrived back in October....lol! And thus came to an end another TWW day, which ended up being a very full day with a lot of small accomplishments.
Thanks for stopping by!