Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Out and back.....

 8:24 am - Tuesday - February 11th - TWW - 34° F, humidity 26%, wind 7 mph out of the south by southwest.....partially cloudy skies today with a forecast high of 52° F.  On this date in 2013 TLE and I were near Stuart, FL at First Round Draft Bar and Grille having lunch....

....we rode our bikes to and from the restaurant....isn't she lovely?

We needed to drive into Seligman Monday to retrieve two packages from the Post Office, so we left around 10 am to make the out and back, 60 minutes round trip drive.  The one package we really needed was the one with a new 35' fresh water hose we ordered from Amazon to add to our existing 25' fresh water hose in order to add water to our fresh water tank from the IBC water tote, as well as to flush our black tank which really needed to be emptied.  The 25' hose was more than adequate when we were in our former site, but now we are close to 50' away from the tote.

The round trip drive was uneventful, and we were back home by 11:30 am, and were dumping our black water tank a few minutes later.  Another nice thing about our new site is that we are around 50' from the sewer cleanout now, and don't need to use the long 100' contractors hose anymore, so we've reverted to the 50's contractors hose we've carried with us for over 14 years.

Once we were finished with the black tank, and had refilled our fresh water tank to the 140 gallon mark we turned our focus to another much delayed project.  What is that, you might ask?  Well, at least 2 months ago Charles and Phyllis bought two more IBC water totes to use for a water catchment system we're going to build using the green house roof to catch the water, but they needed to be cleaned first.  I've put it off because I knew it was going to be an afternoon killer, and that's how it how it went.  One of them (the IBC water totes) had been used for this very same purpose for several years, but the roof the rain water was coming off was a composition roof, and over the years a lot of sediment (about 2" thick) had built up in the bottom of the tote.  Using a pressure washer Charles brought to the property we were able to get it pretty clean, and flush out 95% of the sediment.  It doesn't have to be perfect as the water we catch will be used to water plants in the green house.....

....it actually took us over an hour to flush all the sediment out of the tote (above), and then clean the interior walls....it turned out pretty good compared to what it looked like when we began....the other tote (below) is already pretty clean....

....there is still some sediment left in the bottom, so once it dries out we'll utilize the ShopVac to get the  last of it.  By the time we finished, and put everything away it was close to 3 pm, and time for TLE to make dinner, which was a steak sandwich made from what remained of the New York steaks I grilled the other day.  I think we've gotten at least 3 meals out of those steaks!

And that was the end of another work day at TWW.  It appears, according to the weather forecast for the rest of the week, that we're in for some weather Thursday and Friday.  There is a 70-80% chance of rain over 48 hours, with a small chance of some snow, so we'll probably be house bound again those days.  However, the trend over the next 14 days is warming into the high 60's, with lows consistently in the high 30's....

....so we've got that going for us.

Thanks for stopping by!

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