Monday, March 3, 2025

Some jobs are just too gross......

 6:55 am - Monday - March 3rd - TWW - 32° F, humidity 81%, wind 10 mph out of the south by southwest.....cloudy today with a forecast high of 45° F.  On this date in 2013 TLE and I were at Monk's Vineyard, a funky thrift/wine shop in St. Augustine, FL.....

.....which I do not believe is in business anymore, but was a very cool, funky place.  The view this morning.....

As Sunday dawned, a day which I have been dreading, I had just one goal, just one thing that needed to be accomplished.  Nothing could get in its way.  It had to be finished, once and for all.  I was not looking forward to this job one single bit.  I was sure it would be an all day job, and  had been second guessing myself ever since I conceived, and began to execute the task a week and a half ago.  Not much scares me anymore, but the thought of cutting into an active septic line is not one of those things to which one looks forward to doing with any amount joy.  All that aside, I was outdoors around 9 am getting ready to finish digging out the sewer line so I could cut it, and insert a black 3" ASB sewer 'T'.  Within an hour I had finished clearing dirt away, and had made the two cuts.  Next I inserted the 'T', then applied the black ASB glue. Much to my surprise, and delight, there was just a little clear water coming out of the uphill portion of the ASB septic smelled kind of like our gray water tank.....

.....there she is....all installed, and glued.  That wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.  

I wasn't planning on digging a ditch to bury the line between the coach and the newly added cleanout, but I wanted to be sure the grade between the Newell and the new cleanout was all 'downhill', so I stretched out an orange string line between to pieces of rebar, and began to use my yard long contractor's level to check the grade, digging where needed to keep the line moving in a continuous downhill grade....

....once that was done I began to lay out the 10' sections of 3" diameter ABS pipe, then glued them together using 3" couplings.  Soon it was time to connect the Newell end of the pipe to it sewer connection.....

.....which I did using a 3" flexible rubber coupling.   Then it was time to connect the septic line end to the cleanout, which I did using one of my clear Rhino Flex elbows....

.....and with that I was done, and it wasn't even noon time yet....wait, what?  It only took 3 hours, not 8?  LOL!  We'll let the ABS glue cure overnight, and then we'll complete our first black tank dump using the new hardline.  

Below is a picture of the former cleanout (the left side of the picture) to which we have been macerating for a few months now.  It is all uphill from our new location (it was downhill from our original location here at TWW), so I chose the direction (right side of picture) to the now exposed septic line that would give us the best chance of a downhill flow.....see the picture below......if you click on the picture you can enlarge it enough to read the text I've inserted........ it turned out I only had to make a few grade adjustments to maintain the downhill grade all the way to the new cleanout.  It took 4.5 lengths of 10' ABS pipe to reach the cleanout....I was thinking it would be closer to 60', which is how far it was to the old cleanout.  When we return next Fall we'll take the time to dig a trench, and bury the ABS line, but that is for another day.  Digging a 45' trench through the caliche rock, which permeates this part of Arizona, would take a week of hand digging, or perhaps we'll rent a trencher from Home Depot....we'll see.  For now, we can now dump the old fashion way again, and that was the goal.

To round out the day TLE and I refilled our fresh water tank from our IBC water tote, whilst simultaneously refilling the same IBC water tote from the water tower.  By 2 pm we were done, and it was getting quite windy (gusts to 30 mph), so I changed clothes, and sat down to watch round four of the current PGA tour event, and I'm sure there were one, or two naps thrown in for good measure.

Thanks for stopping by!

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