The rain continued most of Tuesday night into Wednesday early morning. By the time we awoke the sun was beginning to poke its sunny head out from behind the clouds. Naturally, the humidity was high as the water that fell from the sky began to evaporate back into the air.
Wednesday was a LOOOOONG travel day....almost 66 miles......:D We didn't plan to leave until after 10 am as our friend Ernie would not be home from a class until after 11:30. This is our second time to Ernie and Carol's home in Stuart, FL. We were here the end of March last year for about 10 days.
The drive up I-95 was smooth, and uneventful....we drove with the windows open in front.....nice cool breeze, and not too humid.
We arrived at Ernie's at 11:45, dropped the trailer directly across the street from his home, and were in the process of getting ready to park the coach in the driveway when Ernie arrived home from his class. Last year we parked the trailer on the opposite from where the coach is, which required the use of a neighbor's vehicle to back it in. Parking the trailer across the street is something I could do with the coach, and will make leaving next week all that easier.
While I finished getting us plugged in, and the water hooked up, TLE sat in the garage talking with Ernie, munching on some of her famous salsa and chips. Last year when we arrived I provided Ernie with a 30 amp box which his neighbor installed while we positioned the trailer and coach. Nice to have that box already in place this year......and it still works!
I could never get the DirecTV signal.....we were able to get it last year in this spot, but the palm trees have grown, and I think one of them is blocking the signal now.
Around 6:30 TLE prepared a nice salad, and we went in to have dinner with Ernie......Carol, Ernie's wife works up in Vero Beach during the week, and keeps an apartment up there. We'll see her on Saturday. We had a nice dinner out in the "Paradise Club" and then retired to the living room to watch American Idol at 8.
Another development is we have been looking for a better means of self defense than a golf club, or heavy 18" MagLite flashlight. We're looking into acquiring a "Judge" revolver pistol, made by Taurus International Mfg. It holds five 3" 410 gauge shotgun shells. I think this is a much better solution than the short shotgun with pistol grip we had considered. Much easier to wield in confined places, but has the stopping power I am looking for. If all goes as planned we should leave Stuart better equipped to protect ourselves if the worst should ever happen. So far in over a year of being on the road we have never had a situation that required something like this, but we should be prepared......getting one after the fact will mean something bad has happened....better to take care of the preparation now, and not be sorry later.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
Must have to hold on tight when you shoot with the 410 shot