Monday, May 9, 2016

Are we 'Settlers'?

This time last year we were just arriving at TVC (May 9th).....this year on May 9th we've already been here 10 days and are 'settling' quickly into our 6 hours per day, 5 days a week work routine.  The new people are getting trained, the campground is getting tuned up for the summer rush.  I finished cleaning section G and moved on to Section F, which is going much faster than G since it was closed most of the winter.  Now that Section G is clean we have begun raking the pine needles to the borders of each site, which will give the entire campground a more manicured look once again.

The weather guessers had predicted rain most of Sunday, but......and I am ever so thankful.....the rain did not materialize.....not even one drop!  I dressed based on the forecast rain, so by noon time I found myself shedding clothing.....eventually I was down to just a t-shirt and jeans....I haven't worn jeans for one day, let alone 3 days in a row for years!  With the rain gone for a week I will be back in shorts once again!

While cleaning Section F I came across a hose bib that appeared to have cracked and was spraying a fine mist of water across the site, so I turned off the water to that site, removed the damaged hose bib and replaced it......last year at this time I would not have known how to turn off the water to fix the hose bib, so I'm ahead of things this year.  Later on I spent time finishing the repairs to the fence along the defined walking path in Section E.  That pretty much was my Sunday.....the 6 hours passed quickly and by 3:15 TLE and I were on our way back to the coach.

TLE had purchased a large Tri-Tip steak a while back and since everything had dried out with the sun out all day we decided to put in on the Sea-B-Que and grill it with corn on the cob......  

 The Sea-B-Que is smokin'!

The dripping fat burning and creating a nice 'char'

.....the Tri-Tip packaging indicated it should take 25-30 minutes to grill this large steak to medium rare, so I didn't put the corn on until the 14 minute mark.  Everything came out wonderfully!

So, after 10 days life is good......we hope our electrical pedestal will be fixed this week.....we are still plugged into the pedestal in the site behind ours......when you work for a large corporation (Equity Lifesytles, Inc.) you must go through a process to get a major repair made......a bid must be obtained and submitted, then work its way through several corporate bean counters before being given the seal of approval.  Nonetheless, we are thankful we purchased that extra, seemingly unnecessary 50 amp extension cord.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. clark wmoureau i have sent the engine wraps ups eta thursday or friday cost was 95.16 tracking #1zw699f70386120470 this monday may 9


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