Monday, December 25, 2017

Desert View - Day 45 - The 'Eve' (MERRY CHRISTMAS!)

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5:42 am - Monday - December 25th - Christmas Morning- Grand Canyon - 36º F, 20% humidity, wind 5 mph out of the southwest......forecast high for Christmas is 54º F, and partly cloudy.......MERRY CHRISTMAS!TLE and I hope that wherever you may find yourselves on this Christmas morning we pray that you are in good health, and and surrounded by those who value and love you!

Hard to believe we have been here at the Grand Canyon (Desert View Watchtower) for over 45 days now, and that Sunday was also Christmas Eve.  I had the 'open' shift.....I didn't make my first register sale until after 9 am, and my second wasn't until after 9:30......a slow morning.  I did some re-stocking of various products, moved some t-shirts from one place to another, and then focused on straightening up all the t-shirt displays, which took me until after 10:30.  TLE reported for work at 11 am and we worked side by side for about 30 minutes before I headed home.....just not busy enough for two cashiers on Christmas Eve.  Nonetheless, as has been the case this past week, TLE deposited just shy of $500 cash at the end of her shift with most of that coming in after 2 pm.

I really don't have much else to report about the rest of Christmas Eve.....I watched a few Christmas movies (Christmas in Connecticut, John Doe, Miracle on 34th Street, etc.), and took a long nap.  I spent some time, once again, standing outside enjoying the sunny, windless day....there is about a two hour window each afternoon lately when one can stand outside in shorts and flip flops if the conditions are right, and that is how I was dressed on Christmas Eve.

TLE was home from work just after 5:30......just after I had stepped outside to capture the latest Desert View sunset, which was one of the more spectacular ones we have had recently.....

......just after she arrived home we began watching Bishop's Wife, and then for the evening finale 'A Christmas Story'.  Other than 'A Christmas Story' all my favorite Christmas movies are black and white.  I've probably seen 'The Bishop's Wife' a few dozen times over the years, but it always seems new and fresh to me....the same with 'Christmas in Connecticut'.  Since I once again have the 'open' shift on Monday I was in bed just after 9:30 am.

We plan to do a 'Face Time' chat with our kids and grandkids around 11 am on Christmas since we will not be home for the first time in a few years to celebrate with them.....thanks for stopping by!

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