Thursday, February 28, 2019


7:57 am - Thursday - February 28th - Wittmann, AZ - 47º F, 76% humidity, wind 5 mph out of the north by northeast.......clear, blue sky today with a forecast high of 73º F.

My kind of weather!

Wednesday was kind of a transition day for me in my recovery from surgery #2 in which I moved from being 'in pain' to just being extremely uncomfortable.  I took my last Percocet Tuesday evening about 8 pm, and haven't needed one since.  Since then Tylenol has been sufficient to keep the discomfort (not really pain anymore) around a 3 on a 1-10 scale.  In keeping with my doctor's instructions I have just been concentrating on being quiet, resting, napping, and doing nothing constructive whatsoever.  The post surgical swelling has begun to subside, and I find I can turn my head further to the left and right.

I watched what I call a lot of 'bad TV' on Wednesday.....just one terrible 'B' (Blade: Trinity; Enemy of the State, and.....hmmmm.....I forget the 3rd one) movie after another, but it passed the time.  I did watch 'Maltese Falcon' (hardly a 'B' movie) from beginning to end.  What a well written script! To me Humphrey Bogart will always be Sam Spade.  I did not even venture outside the friendly confines of the Newell once all day long. TLE headed into our host's home in the early afternoon to play cards most of the afternoon with Darlene leaving me to vegetate, and nap.

The temp got into the mid 70's Wednesday, and for several hours ALL of our windows were open, and we were running our Fantastic Fan to draw some cool air into the coach.....what a change from a week ago!

Now that surgery #2 is behind us we can now make a few plans, and appointments such as dental appointments, and an appointment for me at the Pacific Eye Institute to take care of the cataract in my right eye, plus now we have a better idea when we will arrive back in California to see our kids again.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. I thought "Enemy of the state" was a very entertaining movie!

    I'm glad you're doing well.

  2. Where is the pacific eye institute? I need to have my eyes done also and they have all these additional charges above what Medicare and my supplemental covers. I'm talking about $15,000 total.


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