Thursday, November 23, 2023

Phased out.....

7:20 am - Thanksgiving - November 23rd - GNHS - 51° F, humidity 50%, wind 3 mph out of the south by southeast.....cloudy today with a forecast high of 78° F.  On this date in 2017 we were waking up on Thanksgiving in Desert View at the Grand Canyon....loved how the sun would light up the 'Watchtower' each morning.....↴ 

Colorado Outback Adventures (COA) had just three bookings (2 half day, and one quarter day) for Thanksgiving Eve, so just TLE and Hunter worked for most of the day.  I worked an hour at the end of the day washing two of the three RZRs, but otherwise I was a man of leisure for most of the day.  The 3rd RZR (the two hour one) looked as clean when it returned as when it left at 2 pm.  Hunter and I fueled up those three, and I washed the two very dirty all day rentals.

Since the two 1/2 day rentals were not departing until 11 am TLE had me get out her sewing machine from its cubby hole in the trailer so she could repair the tear in the Ozark Trail dining canopy resulting from our most recent wind event.  Within minutes she had finished, and we were reinstalling it on the metal framing....the last piece in restoration our 'lido deck'.....
The repair

Before repair

After repair

.....after a couple of days balmy breezes its hard to believe how bad the winds were.  Thankfully the norm here in the winter is gentle, balmy breezes, and 70° days.  I could never live in a place where it was windy ALL the time!

As is my habit on lazy days like Wednesday I puttered around in the trailer, going through my wall cabinets to delete anything which has not been touched by human hands in over a year.  By the time I finished there was much more room for the things I do need on a regular basis.  I've been doing a lot of that lately.  I spent about an hour last week going through all my clothing, and filling up a donation bag full of t-shirts, pants, shorts, etc. that I have not worn in a long, long time.  Now my focus must turn to everything else that is in the trailer, as we have way too much stuff.  My tools are pretty much off limits as I bought them for a reason, and I do use 95% of them on a regular basis.  Having the right tools on this nomadic journey makes life much more pleasant.  When repairs are needed I have the right tool for each job.

As the clock ticked toward 4 pm I asked TLE if we would be watching the Chocolate Mountains light up, to which she replied in the affirmative, so we convened to the 'viewing deck' with music, adult beverages, and a cigar for moi.  From there we transitioned to the 'dining/gaming deck' where I grilled some chicken thighs on the Sea-B-Que, to which TLE added sides of smashed potatoes, and a chopped salad......

....still stinging from two straight 'Phase 10' defeats TLE insisted that we play another game of the same.  On this occasion the cards favored her just a tad more than I.....she won on the 10th Phase by 40 points.

Another nice day in the life.....thanks for stopping by!

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