Friday, November 24, 2023

You can't always get what you want.....

6:53 am - Friday - November 24th - GNHS - 57° F, humidity 64%, wind 4 mph out of the northeast......partly cloudy skies today with a forecast high of 73° F.  On this date in 2020 I was working a 3 hour shift at Seal Rocks RV Cove in Coastal Oregon.....face diapers were still in vogue then....↴ 

Thursday (Thanksgiving) was to be a day off work for us as we were driving into the Pomona Valley to partake in Thanksgiving festivities with three of our kids.  There was only one 1/4 day (2 hour) rental Thursday so Hunter was tasked with handling that.  We planned to be on the road for the 2 hour drive around 11 am, when we got a call from Casey, one of our bosses, advising that the 2 hour rentals guys had broken the RZR...literally.  They had managed to sheer off the right front steering arm, and had to be rescued.....doh!  This meant we would not be driving into town for Thanksgiving with our kids.  While Hunter headed out to retrieve the customers, and access the damage to our RZR TLE and I remained at the office to provide Hunter with logistical other words, help him find the customers the the vast BLM expanse which surrounds us.

Hunter found them within 45 minutes, and returned with the 3 guys round 12:45 pm, leaving the broken RZR for later retrieval.  Around 1:15 pm he and Kyle began the drive out to retrieve the RZR, and by 2:30 pm they had returned dragging the broken RZR.....the right wheel would not track straight with a broken steering arm, so it spent most of the return trip toed inward, and kind of dragging through the sand...

That doesn't look!

Those two shiny metal pieces are supposed to be connected

......the steering rod is easy to replace, if you have one in stock, which we do not, so we'll have to order a replacement, and that will take 10-14 days, so now we're down to 9 operating RZRs, two of which will be repaired and back in service soon.  The 3rd one, the one that was totaled back in early October, is still down at COYNE waiting to be seen by the Polaris guys.

At any rate, with that accident our plans for Thanksgiving with our kids were dashed, and we had to come up with a plan 'B'.....TLE pulled out a London Broil from the freezer for me to grill for our Thanksgiving dinner.  In the interim TLE and I celebrated the end of another GNHS day by sitting on the 'viewing deck' for about 45 minutes, then moved to the 'firepit deck' for a Thanksgiving fire, then to the 'dining/gaming deck' for dinner and game night.  TLE provided sides of a baked potato, and spinach, and a bottle of Catena Malbec......

.....while it was not turkey with all the fixins, it was our impromptu Thanksgiving meal....that London Broil was absolutely amazing!

We closed out our Thanksgiving celebration with a spirited, mindless game of Yahtzee.  TLE and I both won 3 games, but TLE won the tie breaker with the most total points, beating me by 20.  To cap off the evening we retired into the Newell interior around 7:45 pm to watch recorded episodes of 'Survivor' and 'The Amazing Race'.

In closing, a thoughtful song from the Rolling Stones.....

Thanks for stopping by!

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