Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Short day.......

8:45 am - Tuesday - July 2nd - LPG&RVR - 62° F, humidity 36%, wind 2 mph out of the north by northwest.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 89° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I were just getting off work on a Sunday evening at the Mammoth Hot Springs General Store in Yellowstone NP.....

Monday was our Friday this week, and it began auspiciously for me.  Since I did not have to wash any left over carts from Sunday I was able to stage 18 carts (5 Club Car electrics, 10 Yamaha gassers, and 3 Club Car gassers), and then head out to make my first round of the golf course a little after 8 am.  Surprisingly, there were significantly less goose/duck leavings to deal with, and all four sand traps were unscathed by human occupation, so I left them 'as is' and was back at the Clubhouse by 8:30 am.

18 golf carts staged

Can't take a trip around the course without at least one picture from the 15th tee boxes  

Being a Monday meant I would need to clear the driving range of range balls by 12 pm so the grass could be mowed by DeWayne.  I had checked earlier, and found that one of the two 55 gallons trash cans in which we store the range balls was almost empty, so I was pretty sure there would be close to five 5 gallon buckets of balls to clean.   As it turned out there were closer to six.  Upon my return to the Clubhouse I went out to the back of the driving range to begin picking up balls on the fringes of the driving range where the ball picker is ineffective, and was almost finished with that area when I notice my boss, Dennis Tate with his son-in-law, and 3 grandsons shagging balls on the side of the range nearest the Clubhouse.....what a nice surprise!  I had planned to get all the edges of the range picked, and then return at 10:30 am to run the ball picker over the range to pick up the rest, but Dennis and his family had the entire range picked before 9:30 am, saving me a lot of work, and allowing me to focus on other things.

One of the other things was to do my weekly mowing around the tee boxes for which I am responsible.....3, 10, 15, 16, 17 & 18.  I left on my 75 minute jaunt around the course around 9:45 am, and was back at the Clubhouse by 11 am.  I switched from the 2 bag Husqvarna I use to mow around the tee boxes to the 3 bag Husqvarna to mow the large grass area next to site #30.  I was told by the guy with whom I share this job (he shall remain nameless) that he had mowed that grass in the last four days, but that was not accurate.  Usually I can mow that large grass area in one pass picking up just 3 bags of grass clippings, but I ended up collecting 6 bags, meaning it hadn't been mowed for 2 weeks....doh!  By the time I finished the trailer we use to haul away the grass clippings was overflowing!

By the time I cleaned the 3 bag Husqvarna and put her away it was time to give TLE her lunch break.  Monday was a little different for me as the guy I share the job with traded his Tuesday afternoon work stint for my Monday afternoon shift as he needed to be in Reno all day Tuesday, so when TLE returned from lunch I was done for the day.

I was home a little after 1 pm, but before I took a shower I decided to dump the black tank.  That took me about 15 minutes.  Knowing that we are going to face our first significant heat event of the summer (over 100 degrees for about a week) beginning this Friday I next decided to service the rear A/C unit by removing the air filters, washing them, vacuuming out any lint, or dust that had gotten through the two filters, then reinstalling everything.  After turning on the unit I used an A/C thermometer to check the temp of the air coming out the vents, and was pleased to see it registered 38° F....WOW!  For a unit that is 42 years old it still puts out ice cubes.  I'll service the front A/C during our days off work this week, and be ready for continuous operation by the end of the week.  We use the rear A/C unit more than the front as it is quieter in the salon if we do so, however, we do make a point of running the front A/C most every hot day during the time we are at work in the afternoon, so it gets 'exercised', and that has worked out well for us over the 16 years we have owned the Newell.  Additionally, we do clean the filters at least once every 6 months, and keep the condenser coils clear of lint build up, so the compressor does not have to work so hard.

By the time I finished with those tasks it was closing in on 2:30 pm, and time to sit down and relax....I didn't end up taking my shower until after dinner....lol.  TLE was home a little after 5 pm, and by 5:30 pm I had lit the Sea-B-Que to grill another of the New York Strip Steaks we bought last week at Holiday Market.  We decided to eat our dinner on the 'dining/gaming deck' as it is probably going to be to  hot in the early evening for the next week to have dinner outside.  Around 7 pm I finally got that shower.

By 8 pm the outside temperature had cooled to a delightful 72° F, so we turned off the A/C....by 10 pm we were heading off to dreamland.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Wash, rinse, dry....repeat

 5:50 am - Monday - July 1st - LPG&RVR - 48° F, humidity 71%, wind zero mph out of the northeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 84° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were riding the Mickelson Trail in South Dakota near Hill City with Rich and Marnie Aaron.....

Wash, rinse, dry....repeat.  Sunday marked the beginning of another week here at LPG&RVR.  We're kind of in a familiar cycle here as we near the half way point in our third 6 month summer season living on a golf course. The days seem to pass so quickly when we are working, but seem to slow down on our four day weekends.  That we have almost been here 3 months, though is kind of startling.  The weather, once again, Sunday was delightful.  You could still feel the coolness in the early afternoon air.  If only the temps could just remain the low 80's the rest of the summer, but it is not to be.  Beginning this coming Friday we are entering an BIG heatwave.  The forecast temp will be 99° F, then be 100 or higher for the next 5-6 days, then drop slowly into the high 90's for another week.  They always say summer begins with the 4th of July weekend here in Northeastern California, and this year there is no doubt that is true.

Being a Sunday there is normally no use of any motorized equipment, but since both Pavilions were being vacated Sunday I needed to mow them both as soon as the current occupants left, and that was before 10 am.  It took me less than 30 minutes to mow the grass, then I was back to 'marshaling' around the course.  There was also more irrigation being done throughout the day.  I manually turned on the sprinklers for the large grass area next to site #30 for about 4 hours in advance of the coming heatwave.

On my first round of the course I took time at the tee boxes for hole #15 to take a few pictures....it was such a beautiful day....

The freshly raked sand trap at hole #15

A man his dog, and golf

.....I raked all four sand traps Sunday, which is my habit.  In all I made 6, or 7 passes around the course.  We rented just 11 carts Sunday, and by 3:30 pm they had all been returned, washed, and put away in the cart shack.  As the temps rise people will be teeing off earlier and earlier, and finishing earlier.  I will begin going to work at 6:30, or 7 am beginning next Sunday when it will hit 102° F (at least that is what the weather guessers are telling us).

I was home by 3:40 pm, taking a hot shower, then sitting in my recliner watching the 2nd stage of Le Tour de France......yes, it is that time of year again....wash, rinse, dry.....repeat.

Thanks for stopping by!