Friday, July 26, 2024


 6:00 am - Friday - July 26th - LPG&RVR - 55° F, humidity 47%, wind 4 mph out of the southeast.....smokey skies today (there is a forest fire northwest of us) with a forecast high of 91° F.   On this date in 2013 TLE and I were headed to Great Falls, MT on US-2 from Browning, MT in our 2002 T-Bird.....

.....the view this morning....

Very smokey this morning

We awoke to clear, blue skies Thursday, but by mid morning smoke from a fire to the northwest of us, being pushed southward by north winds, filled the Pitt River Valley, and the mountains all but disappeared....

....these pictures were taken from the 8th hole tee boxes around 1 pm.  In our three summers here this is the worst smoke from any fire by 10 fold, but the show must proceed, so I staged 20 golf carts to begin my day knowing we would probably end up renting close to 30, but there is only room for 20 at a time. 

My first round of the course found every few goose/duck leavings, so that is 4 days in a row I have seen a decline.  All four sand traps showed no human occupancy since Wednesday, so I left them alone, returning to the Clubhouse around 8 am. It being a Thursday meant I would need to clear the driving range of balls, so it could be mowed, then wash/dry those same balls, plus I needed to mow the lawn at the Night Registration office, the parking lot grass, and the grass next to the restrooms.

As the day progressed the smoke infiltrated everything.  The smell of smoke was everywhere you turned.  It kind of reminded me of living in SoCal in the 50's when the smog would get so bad your eyes would water, and lungs would burn with every breath.

Just before noon time the chef (Kathie) of our onsite restaurant became violently ill, and began throwing up for about 45 minutes.  The paramedics were called, and she was rushed to the hospital in Alturas.  Initially some thought it might have been food poisoning, but turned out to be a gall bladder attack.  By the end of the day she was stabilized, the pain had been managed, and she will be released Friday morning.

Needless to say, but that kind of threw our day into disarray, but Carolyn, Kathie's assistant, kept the food moving, and with the help of TLE, and a couple other people, the food was served, and tables bussed.

By 3:30 pm I was out of gas, but 8 of the 28 golf carts we rented had not returned.  I headed for home, took a long shower, and relaxed in my recliner icing my knee, and then applying heat.  All of that seems to help, but there is this underlying stiffness in the back of the knee that is not normal, and does not disappear.  Hopefully I will find out what is causing that on Friday.

I picked up TLE around 5:10 pm, and we were home a few minutes later.  As is our customer when Charles and Phyllis are in town we had dinner with them again, but by 7:30 pm I was ready for a nap.....the heat, combined with the smoke in the air really did a number on me! Thursday turned out to be quite eventful! 

We'll be leaving for Reno in about an hour, so time to get cracking!

Thanks for stopping by!

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