Friday, July 5, 2024

Enduring the heat......

 6:29 am - Friday - July 5th - LPG&RVR - 55° F, humidity 33%, wind zero mph out of the east by southeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 99° F.....102° F tomorrow!!!  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were in Keystone, SD (Mt. Rushmore) enduring a hail storm with pretty large be the judge....

That one is as big as a golf ball

.....fortunately for us there was no damage suffered to the Newell.  I remember one of our rear brake lens being broken on the Beetle, however.

Thursday was to be the hottest day this week, and this summer, so we took care of outdoor stuff early....watering plants, etc.  By the time we finished it was too warm to take a walk, so we headed inside.  I made a couple of trips out to the trailer needing tools, and a piece of flat aluminum to fix a piece of broken plastic on the refrigerator door latch.  

A week or two ago TLE was passing by me through the kitchen and her shoulder caught the door handle on the fridge, and the result was a cracked piece of plastic.  We could still open and close the door, but it was not working properly, and needed to be stabilized.  My solution was to cut out a small square piece of aluminum, drill a hole in it, then glue it to the broken area of the door latch, securing it tightly with the existing screw in that area of the worked....

....the crack in the plastic was vertical, and was causing the door latch to flex too much, making it difficult to get the door open.  Once that crack was stabilized by the piece of aluminum the door latch began to work properly once again.  I might add that I did try to glue the crack on the plastic twice, but within a day, or so each time it gave way again.

I spent the balance of the morning, and early afternoon watching Stage 6 of Le Tour de France from beginning to end....something I have not done for a long time.  By 2:30 pm the shadow being cast by the tree in the middle of our site lawn was sufficient for me to move the VW over to wash it in the shade for our trip down to Reno/Sparks on Friday, so I headed out into the 97° F afternoon to do just that.  There weren't too many bugs from our trip into Alturas last week, so the job went more quickly than usual.

Next I retrieved the four grill plates from the Sea-B-Que to soak them in hot water and Dawn soap to remove the baked on meat, fat, etc. so I could re-season them.  I haven't done this for a few months, so it was time.  After cleaning them thoroughly, and then drying them outdoors I applied a heavy layer of olive oil using a brush baster TLE loaned me, and I was done.  

I had planned to grill some chicken for TLE Thursday evening, but it was just to hot, even in the shade, to do it, so she, instead, baked the chicken in her Breville...... toaster oven ever!  The baked chicken thighs were served with sides of potato salad, and carrot/raisin salad.  All was delicious!

It didn't get below 80° F until after 8:30 pm, so the A/C ran from about 1 pm to 8:30 pm before we shut it down for the night.  Thankfully, it cools down quickly after the sun sets here at 4,500' elevation.  Once again the A/C did its job keeping the Newell interior delightfully comfortable. It will really get a test beginning Saturday when we will have the first of 6 consecutive days of triple digit temperatures.

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S. - I will not posting my blog post about Friday until Saturday evening as we will be departing Reno/Sparks around 7 am to make the 2.5 hour return trip to LPG&RVR so I can work the afternoon portion of my work day.

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