Sunday, September 1, 2024


 6:03 am - Sunday - September 1st - LPG&RVFR - 55° F, humidity45%, wind 3 mph out of the east by southeast.....partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 90° F (yesterday it hit 96° F).  On this date in 2013 TLE and I were in Spokane, WA visiting my sister, Hilary, and her family.....having dinner on the rear deck....good times.....

The first day back at work after a 4 day weekend is always difficult for me, especially when it it 96° F.  Frankly, it fell warmer than that.  It being a Saturday meant there would be no motor driven equipment used.  Just stage those carts (around 20), marshal, and wash/put them away at the end of the day.  This is the Labor Day weekend, and marks the end of our busy season.  Within 2 weeks we'll begin to 'punch' and 'sand' the greens (18 on the course, the sod farm, and the putting green), which will take about 8 days over two weeks.

I made several marshaling rounds of the course throughout the day, and had to deal with several folks who like to treat their carts like ATVs, but otherwise it was a pleasant day, which ended with the weekly putting contest.  I never know which 'Clarke' will show up at these events, but Saturday was a good day for me.  I made it through 7 rounds before I was eliminated just one round short of the final.  I sank 5 'hole in ones', with two coming on one round.  Ultimately, the match I lost was a one putt playoff with my worthy opponent lagging his ball one inch closer to the hole than I.  We didn't finish until almost 6 pm, so that one one long day for me.  I went right from cleaning carts one minute to putting the next.

Sorry for the brevity today, but I am still recovering from our anniversary trip to Klamath Falls, and am tired.

Thanks for stopping by!

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