Saturday, September 7, 2024

Resting and recovering......

8:04 am - Saturday - September 7th - LPG&RVR - 60° F, humidity 48%, wind 1 mph out of the east...high clouds today with a forecast high of 89° F.  On this date in 2022 TLE and I received our Starlink package, and within minutes we had internet.....

The router

The dishy

I don't know if I've mentioned it, but TLE came down with the same cold I have a few days after me, so she's a few days behind me in the recovery timeline.  While I never got a full blown cold, I have been blowing my nose on a semi regular basis the past few days, and have been taking a lot of naps.  It is mostly what I would call a 'head cold' chest congestion, and very little sinus congestion....just the occasional sneezing fit, accompanied by nose blowing.  I don't feel bad, but I am definitely not back to 100% yet, either.  We are both grateful we've had these four days off work to recover.

TLE spent most of Friday resting, napping, and reading in the bedroom.  I ventured outdoors on occasion to begin the disassembly of our dining/gaming canopy/tent.  I managed to pack up the Edison lights, and put the TV back in the trailer, but that's as far I got before it got too hot to be outside.  Saturday morning TLE will assist me in removing the picnic table so we then take down the tent, and canopy.  I also pulled out my Toro blower to blow away a weeks worth of Fall leaves from the 'lido deck' environs.

It appears or last official day of 80 degree temps will be Tuesday.  From Wednesday on it will be 60's and 70's for the remainder of our sojourn here at LGP&RVR.  We begin punching the greens in about 9 days now, so time is short.  We got a few minutes of rain Friday afternoon, but nothing to write home about.

Thanks for stopping by!

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