8:33 am - Monday - March 10th - TWW - 45° F, humidity 38%, wind 5 mph out of the east by southeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 66° F. On this date in 2024 I finished installing my new yellow fog lights on the Newell.....
I really like the 'look', and they are so much brighter than the originals were.
Back on Friday morning when we were in the middle of that all day snow event I raked the snow off the patio awning twice. During the second snow removal I apparently strained my left shoulder. By Friday evening it was really hurting, and by Saturday I could not raise my left arm above my chest without a lot of pain. Stupidly, I continued working around TWW as if nothing was wrong, and by Saturday night I was paying the price in spades. I had to sleep most of the night in my recliner, because I could not find a single position without a lot of pain.
I finally fell asleep in my recliner Saturday night around 11:30 pm, and slept pretty well until around 2:30 am when the pain awakened me. I went to the bathroom, then decided to try and go back to bed to finish the night. I might mention that I was taking Tylenol Extra Strength every 4-5 hours just to make the pain bearable. Anyway, I was able to lie down on my back, and fall asleep until sometime after 6:30 am Sunday morning, however, the pain was still there and I could no longer raise my left arm above my waist. I decided to take the day off Sunday and do nothing other than rest in my recliner.
Sunday was a beautiful, sunny day with little or no wind, and I did go outside several times just to enjoy the sun, and walk around the property. I was able to walk without much discomfort, and it was a nice break from just sitting in the recliner. By the end of the day it was still hurting quite a bit, but I did manage to go to bed, and finally find a position which kept the pain level somewhere under 6 on a scale of 1-10, and slept pretty well. As I write this morning (Monday) I am beginning to think that I may have a partial dislocation. It is possible I tore my rotator cuff, but this reminds me of an incident with my right shoulder back in the 90's when I did have a partial dislocation, but was able to reduce it myself quite by accident. I've broken both shoulders over my life time, and I think I'm paying the price now. Anyway, in a little while TLE and I will be heading to Kingman to the ER there to have them take a look at it and see if it is just a partial dislocation which can be reduced, or something more serious. Fingers crossed that is just the former.
Thanks for stopping by!
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