Every once and a while it's time to do chores around the "home". For me, Friday was a day to clean up some of the rust that has been accumulating on what little chrome our coach has. Our chrome consists of the thinly chromed LUG NUT caps...40 of them, the chrome on the diesel exhaust, the generator exhaust, and finally the chrome pieces that go in the rear "receivers". We have been on, or near the ocean for the better part of two and a half months, and that salt air does start to bring rust out of almost everything.
For TLE it was a mending day....time to pull out the sewing machine from the trailer. So, while I started polishing the LUG NUT caps (these lug nuts on the wheels are at least 1.5" in diameter....maybe closer to 2". I have a Dremel tool that takes various grinding and polishing attachments. I used a small wire brush attachment to polish the rust off the caps, and it worked wonderfully.....just took a while to do 40 of them. The exhausts were not bad, but they are heavily chromed. Finally the two caps that slip in the rear receivers. Now, I'm sure you are wondering how many receiver hitches does he have in the back? Well, only one, but I also have receivers on either side of the hitch receiver.....these receivers are for large hooks that can be inserted in case the coach has to be picked up and towed from behind for some reason. What would that reason be?
This would be one reason....this picture is borrowed from Nick's Blog.....if this happened to me, and I have come close, a large tow truck would need somewhere to pick up the rear of my coach to pull me off this hill. In Nick's case the tow truck guy mistakenly put a hook through one of Nick's coolant hoses creating a HAZMAT problem with spilled coolant in addition to the obvious problem.
While I was engaged with the eradication of rust, TLE was mending some shorts of mine, and replacing a button on a dress shirt, as well as repairing some of her clothing.....of course, replacing a button sometimes necessitates having to visit the "button" store, and this was one of those cases. So while TLE drove over to town to find an appropriate button for my shirt I did some insurance work that came in......a small commercial account had to be renewed, and another customer purchased an offroad motorcycle that needed insurance.
By the time TLE returned, finished her sewing, and I finished my insurance work it was close to 5, so we changed clothes and took a 2 mile walk around the park. Not a glamorous day by any means.....no cool brew pubs, restaurants, or historical sites visited......just living on the road kind of stuff.
TLE made me some burritos for dinner, which I chased with one of the hoard of craft beers stored in the Norcold refer......TLE says I have a back log of about 21 of those beers that do have expiration dates on them....I chose the Eel River Organic Porter I got out on Marathon Key a few weeks ago....yummy!
We capped off the evening by watching two previously recorded shows.....Person of Interest, and Elementary.
Tomorrow, Saturday, we must arise early and be one our way into town to get to our grandstand seats for the St. Patrick's Day parade. A gentleman staying here in the park had 4 extra tickets, so we bought two of them. He recommends we leave here no later than 8:15 to get to town, park and then walk the 6 blocks to the viewing stand where our tickets are good. I am informed that there are about 200+ floats that will pass along the parade route so this could be a long day.....
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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