The sun woke me up Tuesday morning....and that was with all the shades, curtains and mini-blinds closed tight. Normally I like to wake up to the sun already in the sky, but when I wake up the same day I go to bed it doesn't work for me as well. Nevertheless I shall endeavor to remember it wasn't so many days ago I was getting up to an alarm in the pitch dark of predawn, and should be grateful for my present state, even if waking up to the sun meant I only got 6 hours sleep.
Before it began to get warm and muggy (a storm front is approaching) I finished the detailing work on the coach......the driver's side wheels cleaned up quickly, and then it was on to the trailer. All the rolling stock looks spiffy now, and is ready to run north on I-65. Our destination this afternoon is Highland, IN. Good friends, Keith and Virginia, live there, and we are going to spend sometime with them this afternoon and evening.
Late morning I took TLE over to the Salvation Army store.......they have a great selection of women's clothing, and then we dropped by the Value Mart thrift store, which has an even more extensive clothing section. TLE found a few items at each store, plus one paperback book....we donated a dozen back plus some clothing, so we're still ahead on storage space.
Next we stopped by Krogers for a few items, and also checked out the fuel station which is where we will top off our diesel tank Thursday on our way out of town. Right now diesel is at $3.81/gallon. Our .30 cent per gallon discount will bring the price down to $3.51. By the time we finished shopping and scoping out the gas station we were both hungry so we stopped at the White Castle's for some Sliders.
I got a call just before we entered White Castle from Rick (our IMS supervisor) setting our dinner date for 6 pm at Paragon Family Restaurant. We really enjoyed working for Rick, and got to know his fiance Deb on our work breaks. Rick was a top 40 DJ for 25 years, and coincidentally Deb has been a soccer referee for years, and for many years worked in the insurance industry.....small world, huh?
We arrived back "home" around 2 pm.....I was thinking I would do some more straightening in the trailer, but it was too humid....only about 82 degrees, but the humidity level had become uncomfortable....for me. I had left the A/C running when we left so the interior of the coach was cool and dry. There wasn't much else we could do so we decided to watch a couple of recorded programs. The season finale of Revolution once again left us stunned, and surprised at the plot twists and turns. I have a weakness for "post apocalyptic" stories, so this series is right in my sweet spot!
Time goes way too fast when you are relaxing, it seems, and suddenly we were staring at 5:15......30 minutes to get ready for dinner....of course when you are wearing flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt there are no worries....the only question is which t-shirt one will wear out to dinner.
The 5 mile drive over to the restaurant was in rush hour traffic......something with which we have not had to deal with in some time, but we arrived a stylish 5 minutes late. Dinner with Rick and Deb was a delight. I can tell Deb would love to do what we are doing, and I know there are a lot of people who not so secretly dream about living a nomadic lifestyle.
Doing what we do is not just limited to owning an RV....there are a lot of varied travel styles. The trick is finding what works for you, and then making it happen.....making it happen is the hard part, and that is really a relative term. Relative to what obstacles are literally in your way, plus any artificial obstacles you have placed, unwittingly, in your path. Our friends, Chris and Cherie have written a series of articles which they have compiled into an e-book entitled "No Excuses - Go Nomadic". It is very, very thorough, and is a must read for anyone thinking about becoming a Nomad. It is easier than you think......frankly, however, we like the fact that the road is not too crowded with Nomads, so if you decide it's too difficult, or too hard, or too whatever, God bless you.....that just leaves more room for us to roam. You can always read our blog and do it vicariously.
After saying our "until next times" we headed back to Georgetown Court one last time. Thursday we will roll the wheels again, and we both feel like it is time. We have been here exactly one month Thursday. We put the hardtop back on the T-Bird, and then I finished getting the interior of the trailer ready to receive the T-Bird Thursday morning. We have had a grand time here in Indianapolis, and are so grateful we have been able to sit here rent free with the use of 30 amps of electricity, plus a few hundred gallons of fresh water the whole time.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
Oh goodness.. I clicked right over when I saw your title appear on my screen. 'The End Has Come'. Expecting to see a sad farewell and news of you guys hanging up the keys.
And what a turn of emotions to see you recommending the No Excuses series.. thank you so much! That warms our hearts. (For those reading along, btw, the series of articles are full and complete - and completely free to read online. The eBook is completely optional to get the same content, and on a 'pay as you wish basis')
See you out west somewhere guys!