Wednesday, December 3, 2014

RNO1 - Day 19 - It just gets better....

At 'Stand Up' yesterday evening  they announced they were changing this coming Saturday from 'MOT' (Mandatory OverTime) to 'VOT' (Voluntary OverTime).  I had just told TLE the day before that if all we did was work 4 days per week the last three weeks that would be fine with it now turns out that is precisely what we will be doing.  So, the magic number of work days left before lift off is TEN!!  You see, "It just gets better"!

The weather guessers advised there was an 80% change of rain Tuesday, and that guess became 100% around  11 am......

It rained steadily, sometimes hard, the rest of the day and accompanied us on our 30 minute drive east to Fernley.....I'm so glad I replaced those rascally windshield wipers the day before.....nothing much better than new, quiet windshield wipers that actually wipe the moisture off the windshield!  I had replaced them about 2 months ago while we were at Cape Blanco with a set I bought at Walmart, but I suspicion I must have purchased NOS (new/old stock), because they were bad from the get go.  The ones I got at Autozone are definitely new.

As soon as I noticed I was possibly getting a head cold I started taking 'Zicam', and I think that has arrested it's progression.  I have a little bit of a runny nose, but is has not gotten beyond that.  Someone also told me (during one of our work breaks) that raw radishes in large quantities were helpful, so I ate about 10 of them two days ago.  On a side note, TLE has yet to get a single cold in the 34 months since we pulled anchor on this nomadic journey.

Once again I was banished back to 'Utah' (9TS) to least this time it was up to the third floor, which I kind of like.  TLE spent her evening/morning wandering through the bowels of 'Tranship' (P3), also on the 3rd level.  The shift passed quickly, and boredom never reared her ugly face one time.

Another side our 'Stand Up' session after 'lunch' we were advised they are looking at a couple of new sites for Camperforce folk to work at here in the left part of the country.  One is Fort Worth, TX which interests me, and another is in California.  I'm not sure we will do this two years in a row, but the Texas one has a certain appeal to us as we have a lot of friends in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.....we'll see.

We emerged from the Nevada side of RNO1 at exactly 4:30 am to a wet parking lot, but no precipitation.....and no frost!  The drive home was uneventful.......uneventful is a big thing to us this time of year.....we are almost 5 weeks into our stint here and have not had to deal with ice, sleet, or snow which would tend to turn a routine 30 mile drive into something much more interesting than we would want.

Thanks for stopping by!

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