.......what a beautiful day it was for a walk!
After we got back from our 3 mile walk we each took care of a few more things in preparation for our Saturday departure.....at least we thought that's what we were doing.
We left for Fernley at 5 pm as is our want, and were at the 'Stand Up' area at 6 pm.....all seemed normal....TLE*** and I were assigned to work 'Tranship' where we headed immediately after our stretching exercises. It was just after 8 pm when I finished my second cart and returned to the main area to pick up another cart to find there were none available, and there would be none available......wait, what? That's right, we were officially done for the night after just two hours, and were being offered 'VTO'*.....I didn't see that coming. Jeremy advised it would probably be a similar situation on Friday. We were out the door by 8:30 and on our way home.
On our way home I suggested TLE call the 'HR'** folk to see if we could make Thursday night our last night at RNO1. Neither of us saw the point of making another 1 hour round trip drive to Fernley to work for a couple of hours. TLE talked to Becky about 8:50 pm, and by 9:15 (just after we got home) she called back to tell us were were officially released, and would still get our bonus....COOOOOL!
We spent the rest of the evening in kind of a giddy state having to rethink all our travel plans......if we were leaving Saturday we were going to head west on I-80, and then south of I-5 as the weather along HWY 395 would be sketchy then, but if we are leaving Friday now the weather west along I-80 is sketchy.....it is snowing along that route right now as I write. Soooo, we have decided to take HWY 395 south from here and overnight in Lone Pine where the elevation is much lower. We will arrive in Ventura Saturday afternoon now, and will have an additional day on the beach.....YAY!!
To our friends at RNO1........Julie, Becky, Ken, Kenneth, Barbara, Chuck, Ryan, and anyone else whose name I may have left out......we will miss you. Spending time each night with you all made our time at RNO1 more pleasant. We look forward to seeing many of you along the road as we continue our travels.....safe travels to all of you!
Thanks for stopping by!
* VTO = Voluntary Time Off
** HR = Human Resources
*** TLE = The Lovely Elaine
How exciting for you! Have a safe trip South!