After a couple of days of no work you slowly begin to revert to getting up earlier and earlier, and by Monday I was up at 7 am after going to bed at 11 pm Sunday night. The sky was steel gray, and foreboding, and ultimately about 10:30 am it began to snow.........but just for an hour, or so, and by 12:30 it had stopped and the snow that managed to 'stick' was almost gone.
While I spent time in the trailer getting things ready for lift off Saturday afternoon, TLE went shopping for some last minute Xmas presents. It was sooooo cold in the trailer that even my little electric heater that normally gets things pretty comfortable in just a few minutes struggled to keep up. I had most of my stuff put away within an hour, and there only remain a few last things, of necessity, to put away before the VW is inserted on Saturday.
Monday was our 26th day working at Amazon RNO1. The 30 minute drive to Fernely was uneventful as always. Each night we work, as we approach the Fernley exit, there are two truck stops (Pilot and Love's) that have their fuel prices up in big lights. The prices have been steadily, but quite slowly, coming down. The unleaded had been stuck at $2.65 for about a week, but last night it had dropped to $2.45! Twenty cents since Friday! Diesel is slowly coming down locally.....there are a couple of stations.....not too near us.....that are selling it for $2.99. The local prices are around $3.11. It looks like the station we have used for years near our home in SoCal has already come down to $2.85, and it is as low as $2.77 at other local stations....WOW!!!
The amazon work flow assignors changed things up Monday evening.....TLE was sent to Utah 8TS, whilst I was sent to 'Tranship' for the evening. I'm actually coming to enjoy 'Tranship', and had a nice evening stowing there. TLE and I met up in the Utah breakroom for our two 15 minute breaks, and met in the Nevada breakroom for lunch. In 'Tranship' we stowed a ton, or two of various kinds of pet food ranging from bird feed to dog food, and everything in between.
Even thought the 'guessers' were predicting temps in the low 20's again, it was only 34 degrees when we exited frost on the windshield either! We are forecast to have partly cloudy skies the next few days with a chance of precipitation on Friday. Originally it was an 80% certainty it would rain, now just about 30%......that's good for us. No fun driving in the rain, or snow, and it looks like Saturday, our departure day, will be partly cloudy in the all we have to do is get over Donner Summit on I-80 with no's only 45 miles to the summit from our location, and then it's all down hill from there.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
When I go over Donner Summit I always get a little shiver thinking about how that place got it's name.
ReplyDeleteHave a good last few days!
Cal DOT has online cameras which come in handy for looking ahead going over Donner. My daughter was in Cal for Thanksgiving and as she headed back to Utah just ahead of that storm after Thanksgiving I was able to let her know how the road ahead of her looked via a few phone calls.