Cooling trend and rain in our future
We finally got off our collective derrieres Thursday and returned to one of our favorite hikes, Mt. Rubidoux. The warm temperatures have begun to abate after almost a month of 80's weather. The forecast high temp Thursday was 77, so it was a perfect day for a hike to elevation.......
.....we didn't get to the trailhead until after 1100, but it was only 71 degrees as we started the hike......there is a low pressure front coming in this weekend, and it was already becoming evident as the clear blue skies we associate with high pressure had been replaced with partly cloudy, hazy skies.....nevertheless, the views were still captivating as we wended our way to the summit. We averaged 3.3 mph for the entire hike covering the 3.3 mile distance in just a few seconds over 1 hour. On our way home we made a stop at Smart & Final to do some grocery shopping before arriving home a little after 1300 hours.
I felt much better Thursday and didn't feel like I needed a nap, even though I did take one after we returned. We both spent the balance of the afternoon reading.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hiking early and the day and afternoon reading is just the way we like to do it.