7:26 am - PDST - Monday - 54º F, humidity 93%, wind 3 mph from the west southwest......feels CALM.....heavy overcast......seems as if we are getting the traditional 'May/June Gloom' in March.....heavy marine layer in the morning, which burns off by late morning.
We haven't been in an RV park for a long time where one could witness the traditional 'Sunday vacuum' empty out the park in an hour, or so, but that is the way it was this Sunday.....one minute the park is full and the next time you turn around there is a line of RV's driving out the park.
Our kids, those who had stayed over in the park Saturday night, were on their way home early Sunday headed back to their workaday lives, whilst I headed back to the trailer to finish the 'deep cleaning' job I had started Saturday on my Cannondale Bad Boy. Within about 2 hours I had finished and decided I deserved a good ride up the SART (Santa Ana River Trail)......a clean bike just screams 'RIDE ME!', and who am I to refuse? I got dressed and was out the door within minutes riding the approximately one mile over to the SART trailhead and then 7 fast paced miles north before I did my turn around.......my goal was not miles, but calories.....1,000 to be precise. I haven't ridden my bike since our last day at Tecopa Hot Springs before we descended into the 'Valley of the Wind' (Death Valley) the next day......almost a week. The SART is one of my favorite urban bike trails, and I've put 100's of miles in riding her north and south over a couple of decades. I was back at the coach in just a shade over one hour having eliminated just over 1,000 calories in just over 16 miles. There is nothing like a vigorous ride to release some endorphins into your body chemistry, which in turn lift your spirits, and take the edge off of some the chronic pain your old bones feel nowadays as you continue to pile one year on top of another.
TLE essentially took Sunday off, though she did a little stretching. I took a nice nap, watched some more NCAA March Madness 'elite 8' games, and then another nap.....both games were close and had very exciting endings.....can' ask for much more than that. We now have the final four teams....North Carolina, South Carolina, Gonzaga and Oregon.....the FINAL FOUR games will be played this coming Saturday, then the final game on Monday between the winners of those two games
It's been a while since we had sufficient broadband to stream Netflix, or Hulu an we had some missed episodic shows to watch so we spent a few hours Sunday evening doing just that.......as TLE remarked about 9 pm.....what a nice day!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago
Gotta love those kind of days, don't much ride my bike anymore but do get some good walking done everyday. With threat and watching my carbs and caloric intake at about 1,500 a day can easily maintain my weight.