6:02 am - Thursday - 30º F, humidity 84%, wind 4 mph out of south southwest......clear blue skies.....forecast high is 59º F.
I begin each day wondering "When is Winter going to release her icy grip on SLT? When is Spring going to stand up and be counted?". Last May I wore my jeans probably 4, or 5 times, and shorts the rest of the month.....this year I've only been able to wear my shorts 5, or 6 times. It is so cold I wear my watch cap, jacket and gloves all day long. I know Spring will eventually take hold, and these bone chilling days will seem a distant memory very soon, but right now Spring seems like a fanciful dream at best.
I punched the time clock at 7:27 am Wednesday......my glove clad hands were already numbing as I rode my Intense 5.5 down to the maintenance yard to begin my work day.....the sub 40's temperature's death like grip on the day seemed impervious to any effect the sun filled sky might have upon it.
Wednesday's at TVC are usually quiet days, especially this time of year. We only had 5 'Arrivals' scheduled with an equal number of 'Departures'. My 'Ranger Crew' continues to plow through the sectional cleaning and raking, and within a day, or so we will be finished with Section F....the final section.....we are way ahead of last year.
I spent my day working on the pole fence in the Group Area......attaching the rails to the posts has started slowly, but I have a system now, and it is beginning to move along much more quickly. By the end of the day I had 8 rails installed, and four of the twenty sections closed. I have enough rails collected to close about 10 of the sections, and enough additional rails located throughout TVC to close another 8, so I still need to find a few more for the last two sections.
I had planned to be off work by 2:30, but by the time I put my tools away, talked with a few customers, and finally dropped off my cart it was closing in on 3:30. TLE, once again, started her work day at 9 am, so I was on my own until she came home from work. I opted to do another workout using my bicycle trainer. I am so glad I bought it before we arrived at TVC, because it has been too cold to do my training rides outdoors. Most days I begin my indoor ride using the heater to take the chill out of the interior of the trailer so my hands don't get numb. Having the 'trainer' has enabled me to continue burning calories until Spring finally arrives. I continue to lose about 1/4 pound per day as long as I do my 'indoor ride' 4-5 times per week. I am really looking forward to being able to make the ride up to Emerald Bay for the first time this year.....I hope that time comes before June.....:-)
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Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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