5:48 am - Saturday - Wait, what? 5:48 am on a Saturday? Yup....it's a work day here at TVC....the work never ends in May.....47º F, humidity 57%, wind 4 mph out of the north....partly cloudy with 100% chance of precipitation this day with a high of 50º F.
Friday was a day off for me, or at least that was my intent, and we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I ride my bike over to the office with TLE to greet my 'Ranger Crew' and be sure they knew their tasks for the day. I spent about half an hour with them and then returned back to the Newell to finish writing my daily missive.
I did bring a 2-way radio home with me in case my boys had any questions, or needed any advice, and that was probably my downfall. Ultimately I got a call from my mechanic, John, over at Higher Ground Autoworx advising the Beetle was ready to retrieve, so I borrowed Miguel's (our manager) Ford P.U. and drove over with TLE to get the car, and then whilst TLE drove back to TVC I stopped off at Scotty's TruValue Hardware to buy some shovels, some bailing wire, and a few other small items for use at TVC. Upon returning to TVC I spent some time talking with Miguel about some of the big projects needing to be started such as the putting up entertainment tent, getting the pool area cleaned, and the pool ready for summer, and retrieving our golf carts from Carson City where they have been in storage all winter.
After talking with Miguel I drove the Beetle over to the local DIY (Do It Yourself Center) to pick up some more 7/16" threaded rod (24') to go with the 18' I already had, plus the requisite 7/16" nuts, so I can begin building the new fence out in the Group Area I wrote about a few days ago, and picked up some more fencing to repair the dog park fencing that was damaged during the winter, as well as some of the fencing along Melba Drive.
There is a lot to do over the next 21 days leading up to the Memorial Day weekend, which kicks off May 26th, but I have no doubt now we will get it all done. We had a staff meeting at 2 pm, followed immediately by a supervisor meeting. Miguel comes from an Army background and believes in a strong 'chain of command', and delegating authority to get things done......as he says, he "will trust, but verify".
In all I ended up working about 5 hours Friday, but it was nice not to be exhausted at the end of the day for a change......TLE and I clocked out around 4 pm, and headed out to run a few errands before heading back to the Newell for the evening.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
Pretty productive "day off" I must say.