Saturday, September 2, 2017

Fighting that vague ennui (än-wē)........

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(8:01 am - Saturday - September 2nd - 50º F, humidity 63%, wind 4 mph out of the east southeast.....sunny, but continuing haze due to fires all over fires here, thankfully!

Friday's at Mammoth Hot Springs General Store are always paydays, plus this Friday saw the second distribution of accumulated tips to the employees......TLE and I each received $66 in always 99% of the tips are earned at the fountain.....for some reason tips and food service just go hand in hand.  

We had the 'CLOSE' shift Friday....things got busy a few times, but for the most part Friday saw a continuation of the tourist decline we have been seeing the past week.  Because so many children are now back in school we do not expect Labor Day weekend to be anything out of the ordinary......hope, hope, hope!

We said goodbye to more co-workers who worked their last shift.....many tears were shed,  and hugs exchanged. To combat that vague ennui (än-wē) which is always around this time of year those of us who remain spent our time joking, laughing, and generally having a good time in between customer rushes.

At last 9:30 pm arrived and it was time to 'wind it down' as my friend Roscoe says often towards the end of a shift.  Friday nights, as I have written previously, we meet Roscoe, Geni and Dodge at the Rusty Rail to hoist a few cold ones, and laugh for a couple of hours......

 Love the bar stools!

Left to right: Moi, Dodge, Geni, TLE and Roscoe....better friends one could not have....note we are all in our Yellowstone General Stores navy blue shirts. is a nice way to wind down our week.....Friday is really our collective 'hump day', but who cares, right?  I am sporting my new haircut in the above picture.....I think Cari did a wonderful job, and she is right here in Gardiner!

TLE and I were home just after midnight.....a little late for us since we have the 'MID1' shift Saturday (11 am to 7 pm).  Beginning Monday the store begins its new store hours (8 am to 8 pm)....our first shift under the new store hours is 'CLOSE',  and the new 'CLOSE' hours are 11:30 am to 7:30 pm.  We have three 'CLOSE' shifts next week, and two 'MID1' shifts....the new 'MID1' shift hours are 9:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Well, we have to be at work in 2.5 hours so it's time to get moving......thanks for stopping by!

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