Friday, October 4, 2024

10 days until lift off.....

5:36 am - Friday - October 4th - LPG&RVR - 47° F, humidity 41%, wind 6 mph out of the south by southeast (seems to be zero mph to me right now).....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with windy conditions this afternoon for a few hours, and a forecast high of 80° F.  On this date in 2013 we were working the sugar beet harvest in Sydney, MT.....11:30 pm, and 29° F....we worked a 12 hour overnight shift....

I had the outside job....cold, muddy,!

TLE in the scale house with one of the sugar beets....she had the inside job...warm, dry, well lit....her porta potty was even heated!

On our second day back to a normal work schedule TLE and I rented 12 golf carts, and 10 of them were back before 3:30 pm.  Thursday was a warm day....88° F.....but I didn't really notice it.  I'm finally used to the warmer weather, and it is almost!  Within a week it will get into the 70's and finally stay there.  Between now and then we have a string of 81° F days forecast, and if you think about it you will say that's about right for Fall weather.  We've had very low humidity for the last two weeks, and today (Friday) is no exception.  It is around 47% right now, and will get into the teens before the end of the day.

I still had a lot of mowing  to do Friday, but before that I needed to clear the driving range of golf balls so it could be mowed for the first time in about two weeks.  I began that task around 9 am, and by 10 am I was done with two 5 gallon buckets garnered.  I'll do one more deep cleaning of the forest on both sides of the range next week, and that will be it for this season.

At 10 am I mounted the 2 bag Husqvarna and began to tackle the remaining mowing.....the large grass area surrounding the Night Office, and all 10 of the back in sites (11-20).  By the time I was done it was 11:30 am, and I needed to make a marshaling round of the golf course before lunch, returning right at 12 pm.  

At 1 pm I made another marshaling round of the course, then hopped on the 2 bag Husqvarna again around 2 pm to mow most of those tee boxes for which I am responsible.....3, 15, 16, 17 & 18.  It takes me exactly an hour to mow them all, and I was back by 3 pm.  I washed and stowed the 10 carts which had been returned, and headed home at 3:30 pm......just 5 work days left this season, and 10 until liftoff!

Thanks for stopping by!

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