Thursday, October 3, 2024


 5:59 am - Thursday - October 3rd - LPG&RVR - 45° F, humidity 53%, wind ZERO mph out of the south by southeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 88° F....the last of the high 80's days.  On this date in 1949 I was born to Arthur and Virginia Hockwald.....

I am now, officially, 75 years old.....three quarters of a century has passed since I was welcomed into this world by my parents.  Up until the diagnosis of arthritis in my right kneed with some loss of cartilage, I felt no different than I have for the past 30 fact I feel the best I've felt since before my heart attack back in May of 2019....other than that knee  At any rate, I returned to my normally scheduled job duties Wednesday morning with a certain amount of joy, and a bounce in my step.

I staged 5 carts initially, and then proceeded to wash six others that were left over from Tuesday.  By 9 am my back was still fine, and my knee was loose, and limber.  It is amazing how a lack of green 'punching' can improve one's physical health, and mental well being.  I didn't head out to make my first round of the golf course until 9:30 am...we had no golfers teeing off until 10 am Wednesday.  By the time I returned to the Clubhouse it was 10 am, and time to begin mowing grass.  I haven't mowed any grass, and neither has anyone else, for over 10 days, and it was beginning to show.  Over the next two hours I managed to mow the parking lot grass, the large grass area next to site #30, 13 of the 15 pull through sites, the employee sites, and the large grass area at the group fire pit.  I arrived back at the Clubhouse just before 12 pm, and TLE's lunch break.

In all we rented just 7 golf carts Wednesday, and I rented two of them during TLE's lunch break.  After lunch I mowed the three residential lawns up the hill, and I was done mowing for the day.  I made 2, or 3 rounds of the course as Marshal, and found everyone obeying the rules.  By 3:30 pm I had just 3 of the 7 carts returned, and washed, so I'll have 4 to wash Thursday morning.  We now have just 6 work days left this season.

On the 'what is new' front TLE and I have become the proud owners of a 1969 Jeep CJ-5.... was fully restored within the last two years.  I wanted to own a CJ5 for about 20 years, and the right deal finally came along.  It was located in Prescott Valley, AZ so Charles and Phyllis picked it up for us, and we will see it in person for the first time in about 3 weeks when we arrive in Arizona for the winter.....oh yeah, we'll be spending the winter in northern Arizona.    We'll keep the VW, so we now own two cars again for the first time in 10 years.  The top is new.  It comes with half doors and full doors, has  a nice stereo system, and a beefed up roll cage.....

....the interior is immaculate, the tires are less than 18 months old, and this Jeep is ready to use!  We are very excited, and what a wonderful birthday gift to myself!

Thanks for stopping by!

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