Sunday, October 13, 2024


7:58 am - Sunday - October 13th - LPG&RVR - 38° F, humidity 87%, wind ZERO mph out of the east by southeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 73° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I stayed overnight at Ririe Reservoir east of Idaho Falls.  The afternoon looked like this.....↴

....when we awoke the next morning it looked like this....

 ....we had no idea it was going to snow overnight.....what a surprise!

And so it began, the final work day of the LPG&RVR 2024 season, and a beautiful sunrise..... was cold!  I wore pants, two long sleeve shirts, my LPG&RVR winter jacket, watch cap and gloves to begin the day.  The forecast high was 66
° F, but it barely got to 60° F.  There was a chance of rain, and we got that, too, for a short period of time.  We rented just 12 golf carts, and many of our customers got a little damp during their rounds. As might be expected with rain, the golf carts came back filthy, but is was what it

I spent most of my day marshaling, and enjoying the big views....

There's that forecast rain

.....there is a reason why we have decent cell phone coverage.....cell towers on top of Likely Mountain....about 8 miles away.....

....the day passed quickly, and soon it was time for TLE's lunch break.  I decided to take a one hour lunch for the first time in months, because I wanted to work to 5 pm to be sure I could wash, and stow as many carts as possible.  As it turned out, in spite of my best intentions, the final three carts did not return until after 5:20 pm, so they will be washed and stowed by Lynn, who is working the final Sunday of the season.

We began saying our 'until next times' Saturday morning, and continued doing so late into the day.  I'm sure there will be more on Sunday as we take down the rest of our site in preparation for lift off Monday.  It has been a great summer, and now as Fall tightens its grip on the Pitt River Valley it is time to migrate southward for another winter.  Have we become snowbirds?  Perhaps.  But, we are still nomads, and look forward to changing our view without going through escrow.

Thanks for stopping by!

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