7:19 am - Monday - January 27th - TWW - 29° F, humidity 55%, wind 6 mph out of the east by southeast.....85% cloud cover today with rain/snow forecast for this afternoon, and a high of 43° F. On this date in 2012 TLE and I were experiencing one of the last sunrises at Rancho Jurupa Regional Park where we were camp hosts for 12 months....
....on February 1st we would begin our full time traveling adventure....in just a few days we will celebrate 14 years living in the Newell full time, and 13 years of full time travel.....amazing....does not seem that long ago.
Sunday was day three of our permanent site preparation. Of course, it is not like it's taken us three whole days to do the work. We've only been working on it 2-3 hours per day, but have gotten a lot done. I started the Ford tractor around 10 am, and let it idle for about 20 minutes before getting to work hauling two more buckets of gravel to the site. That was our unprofessional estimation of what it would take to completely cover the rest of the underlayment fabric, and get the site as close to level as possible side to side, and front to back......
Naturally, we're going to have to move Phyllis' sister Newell to a different location before we can even think about moving our Newell. And before we can even think about moving our Newell we'll need to call Yavapai Bottle Gas to come and move our 120 gallon tank to its new location, as well, and the shed will have to be moved to its permanent location, so there will be a lot of moving parts to organize before the move can be completed. We are, however, as close as we have been since we arrived over three months ago......three months and a week to be exact.
Additionally, we also loaded the three piles of small rocks I raked out of the site on Friday, drove the Ford tractor up and down the site to pack the gravel, and then hauled them away before calling it a day.
Sunday was also the day of the NFC and AFC championship games for the NFL. These two games would determine the participants in the Super Bowl in two weeks (February 9th I believe), and that is how we spent our afternoon. Usually I am just hoping for competitive games, but I was rooting for Washington over Philadelphia (NFC game), which turned out to be an error plagued game for the Commanders, was won handily by the Eagles 55-23, and it wasn't really even that close. On the other hand, the AFC championship game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Buffalo Bills was an amazing game that went back and forth until the very end. When the dust settled Kansas City had prevailed 32-29....it really could have gone either way. Naturally, I was rooting for Buffalo, so neither of the teams for which I was rooting won. As a result this year's Super Bowl will feature the same two teams from last year, and this will be the 3rd successive year K.C. has been in the Super Bowl, and the 5th time out of the last 6 years. If K.C. wins this year's Super Bowl it will be the first time in NFL history any team has won it three years in a row. It seems we may be seeing the latest NFL dynasty.
By the time the sun set Sunday all of our battery banks were back at 100%, and that is a good thing because we will have a lot of cloud cover Monday and Tuesday.
Thanks for stopping by
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