Tuesday, January 28, 2025


7:03 am - Tuesday - January 28th - TWW - 26° F, humidity 80%, wind 2 mph out of the east by southeast.....snowing this morning, and a forecast high for today of 40° F.  The view out our front door this morning.....

.....close to 6" of snow now.  On this date in 2015 we were in Wittmann, AZ at the property of good friends Tom and Darlene McCloud watching an amazing sunrise.....why was I up so early?....

We were expecting snow early Monday morning, but what we got instead was a lot of sunshine.  We had imagined being holed up indoors most of the day, but when you get that much sun you have to be outside doing something, so that is what we did until about 1 pm Monday.  

My first task was to wipe off all the solar panels on the property at ground level....that is about 18 solar panels.  There are 14 on the roof of the CONEX, but I avoid going up there anymore than necessary, and it wasn't necessary to do that Monday.  Next TLE and I preemptively dumped our black tank not know what conditions we would face Tuesday, or Wednesday, and it was about 2/3's full.  Better to dump early, than to do it with snow covered ground.  We did that the winter we were at the Grand Canyon, and it is not a fun process when everything is frozen!

We created 3 new burn piles last week, but were waiting for no wind to light them, and Monday morning was just such a morning....zero wind.....

TLE putting out small grass fires

.....once we had piled on cuttings from the three separate burn piles, and it had burned down to what you see above I left TLE to tend to what was left, and headed over to drive rebar stakes into the ground around our new site, to which I attached two lengths of string running the length of the site on both sides.  To the string I attached 'levels' to see how much more gravel we need to add to the downhill side, or east side of the site, to bring the site closer to level.  I didn't take a picture, but we'll need at least one more bucket of grave on the downhill, or eastern edge of the site.  

By 12 pm the clouds were rolling in, and by 1 pm it began to snow...and it snowed until around 9 pm.....

....fortunately, we got enough sun that all of our battery banks, including the house were at 100% when the snow began.  Tuesday will be a different story, however.  I envision a lot of Predator 5000 run time then.

Monday was certainly a dichotomy.....we went from sunny, balmy weather to heavy snowfall in a matter of hours.  As I write this morning (Tuesday) the snow is still coming down, but very gently.  The forecast is showing partly cloudy this afternoon, but it sure doesn't look promising right now from where I sit....

....thank you for taking the time to stop by today.  Goodbye for now from the very snowy TWW!

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