Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Deep.....

6:50 am - PST - Saturday - 53º F, humidity 44%, wind 8 mph out of the north......there is really no wind blowing.....clear skies once again.  Today is get away day.....heading to Las Vegas for our 45th college reunion!

Friday was the warmest day yet here at Tecopa Hot Springs.....85º F with increasing cloudiness all day long until just before sunset when it became heavy cloud cover....almost looked like rain coming, but nothing ever materialized.

After writing my latest blog missive I headed out around 8:40 am on another bike ride into Shoshone and back logging another 17 miles, 1100 calories burned at an average speed of 14.5 mph once again.....I need to start was starting to get too warm at the end!

By the time I was back in camp it was going on 10 am.....we had planned to do some more site seeing, but we both knew we needed to spend the better part of a day doing some deep cleaning, which we have not done in over 6 weeks now.....when you boondock for that long you have to really pull out all the throw rugs, shake them out thoroughly, and then vacuum the interior to get out all the dust, dirt and sand.  For me it was pulling out my rugs in the trailer to do the same, and then vacuuming the inside of the trailer out which was terrible......not as big a deal, but still terrible, nonetheless.

After finishing the inside I put about 1 gallon of water from our fresh water tank in a Rubbermaid wash tub and using the RV brush washed off the trailer as best I could with that little actually turned out pretty well.

I, along with TLE, took periodic breaks from the task to sit in the shade and cool down while reading a book.....pretty soon we pronounced our deep cleaning task complete, and headed up to the 'pools' for a last soak, and then showers.  I soaked for about half an hour, took a shower, then sat outside in the open air portion to cool down before heading back to the Newell.....I had made the mistake the prior 3 times of just getting dressed and walking home, but I continued to sweat for about an hour.......this worked much the time I was home I was cooled back down.

We sat outside listening to 60's music on Sirius/XM's channel 60 until sundown.....and in spite of the heavy cloud cover we got a good one!

We spent the evening watching the 2 hour finale of 'Gold Rush'.......once again Parker mined more gold than the others combined.....4,300 ounces!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Nice to get that cleaning done once in a while, we too listen to the 60's music when we are on the road.

  2. We love our 60's on 6 in the truck and in the Suite. Also the 70's on 7 are good. Showing our age, aren't we?


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