Friday, August 28, 2020

Benny and the Jets......

8:46 am - Friday - August 28th - Coupeville, WA - 54° F, 93% humidity, wind 7 mph out of the southwest.....fog over the coast, but sunny here....forecast high today is 64° F.....the view this morning.......↴

.....on this day in 2016 TLE and rode our bikes to Baldwin Beach at South Lake Tahoe......↴

Thursday began with the fog rolling in and out over Bob and Karen's property.  My plan was to sand the fireplace deck, replace a couple more planks,  remove any remaining flaking paint, and then, hopefully, begin applying stain to as much of the bare wood as I could before it was time to quit for the day.  I wasn't wearing a watch, and kind of lost track of the time.  When I realized it was closing in on 2:30 pm I put away the stain, and headed for home.   I did manage, however, to get about two thirds of the bare wood stained on the lower portion of the deck.......

......but it has now all be sanded and rid of all the remaining flaky paint.  I should be able to get all the rest of the bare wood on the side and front porch decks done by Friday afternoon....

Ready for stain

.....after an appropriately long, hot shower I retired to the 'Lido Deck' for a well deserved nap, and that is what I did until the jets returned for an hour and twenty minutes of 'touch and go' practice.  Every time I hear the jets coming I think of the Elton John song.....'Benny and the Jets'.  To counteract the sound I put on my 3M ear protection, which almost completely blocked the sound, and went back to napping......

.....around 6 pm TLE uncovered the Cowboy Disc Wok to cook her famous Jambalaya for dinner down at our hosts' dining room.  We ate, laughed and talked until after 8 pm, and then retired to the living room for two more episodes of 'Travelers'.  Life is good, the weather is wonderful, and I haven't had to put any lotion on in days.....nothing like the humid air of a coastal community to keep things from getting too!

Thanks for stopping by!

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