Thursday, July 27, 2023


5:30 am - Thursday - July 27th - LPG&RVR - 52° F, humidity 62%, wind 2 mph out of the south by southeast.....skies are forecast to be crystal clear, blue, sunny skies with a high of 88° F.  On this date in 2012 TLE and I were visiting the Hoh Rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula near Forks, WA....TLE in front of the Hoh River, and moi in front of a 200' Sitka Spruce.......↴ 

Once again I find my self in arrears....having NOT published a blog post about Tuesday, so I'm up extra earlier to do just that, and be to work on time at 6:30 am.

In addition to finding myself adjusting to the warmer temperatures more easily this year, I am also adjusting to the mosquitoes more easily this year.  Make no doubt, they are still there, but I'm more able to accept them as part of life than I was last year.  Part of my adjustment is just simply dressing to reflect the conditions.  When I'm clearing balls on the driving range, or spending extended periods of time out on the golf course I wear long sleeve shirts, and pants, and apply an adequate amount of mosquito repellant.  Last year I resisted, insisting on short sleeve shirts, short pants, and as little repellant as possible, which did not work, and made those parts of my job unpleasant....not so this year.

We sent out fewer than 15 golf carts Tuesday, and after staging the initial 10, and making my rounds of the golf course I spent the balance of my morning mowing the tent sites which is always a very dusty proposition, and involves the use of the very slow John Deere riding lawnmower.  By the time I returned to the Clubhouse at a brisk 2.5 mph just before 12 pm I, and the 'still life' John Deere were covered with thick layer of dust.  I used some compressed air to blow the dust off each of us before heading inside to give TLE her lunch break.

I love the final 90 minutes after TLE's lunch break as the seem to pass by pretty quickly, and being home at 2:30 pm just as the heat of the day descends upon LPG&RVR is sweet  I managed to get all but four of the carts washed and put away before heading locking up the fuel station, and the 'Caddy Shack' and heading for home and a much deserved shower.  In spite of blowing all that dust off my person at lunch time I watched lot of dirt swirling down the shower drain.

I took my usual post work nap, and then returned to the Clubhouse around 5 pm to retrieve TLE and call the end to another LPG&RVR day.  We watched a couple of Women's  FIFA World Cup games played at locations in New Zealand and Australia before heading to slumberland.

Thanks for stopping by!

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