Monday, July 31, 2023

That didn't take long......

7:17 am - Monday - July 31st - LPG&RVR - 53° F, humidity 38%, wind 1 mph out of the southeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 90° F. On this date in 2018 TLE and I were in Southwest Harbor, ME having dinner at Beale's Lobster Pier.....we had Lobster Rolls, of course......↴ 

Allagash Belgium White beer ever

Another weekend day, another walk out to Jess Valley Road and back.  On the way out we passed by some cowboys herding cattle into a pen....most likely it is vaccination time....

......after our return, and a suitable cooling down period TLE and I tackled a job we have been delaying for a few weeks.....reorganize the trailer so everything is easier to access.  This meant taking about 80% of the stuff out of the trailer, repositioning the two tables upon which my tools, and TLE's pantry overflow items reside, then repositioning the throw rugs we have had on the floor for years, and screwing them into place so they won't move.  The end result exceeded our expectations, and took way less time than we expected.  In all I think it took us about 90 minutes, and we were done..... is funny how in my mind I imagined this taking at least a day, if not parts of two days to accomplish, and that is why I kept post postponing  It is amazing how much two people can get done working together.  Anyway, now the two tables are side by side on the driver side of the trailer, with TLE's pantry items occupying the forward table for much easier access for her, and my tools on the table to the rear, with one bag on the forward table....otherwise all my major tools are on one table now.  Two of our bikes are at the very rear of the trailer now. Before half my tools were on one table, and the rest on the other table, which used to be at the back of the trailer, with TLE's bike in front of it....we had to move her bike to get at stuff under the table.....not a very good plan.  The rug in the middle we have had since 2015....someone left it in one of the RV sites at Tahoe Valley Campground.  The other two used to be in the Newell salon.  You can see in the last picture we had one of the Women's FIFA World Cup matches playing while we worked.  We also loaded down the Club Car Villager golf cart with things we didn't need anymore, and hauled that stuff to the dumpster.  With these changes we actually gained about 20% more floor space, and it is easier to move from front to back in the trailer now.

There was still 20 minutes to go in the soccer match when we finished so we finished watching that in the Newell, and then watched another recorded match.  Other than the trailer reorganizing we spent the balance of Sunday relaxing, and out of the heat....I was only 91° F, but it feels hot to us.  We are, however, very grateful not to be spending the summer in Phoenix, or Death Valley where it gets up to 120° F, or higher in the summer.  All that being said, the nights are definitely getting cooler earlier this year than last.  Last summer the over night lows would not get below 60 for weeks on end, but this summer they get to the low 50's virtually every night, which makes for much more pleasant sleeping conditions.  We haven't had to run the air while we sleep one time this year, while last year I lost count.

I just took TLE to work....she is trading work days with Kathie as we are going to Klamath Falls on Wednesday for her cataract eye surgery appointment.  I'll stage the golf carts on Wednesday morning (her appointment isn't until 1:30 pm, so we'll leave around 10 am for the two hour drive), and then Lynn (wife of Mike who mows our fairways) will wash them and put them away in the afternoon....she did that for us last year when we were punching the greens.

In a few minutes I will begin another much delayed project.....install the new fog lights on the VW that I bought 2 years ago, along with a new grill....

New VW grill

....which I just bought a week, or so ago....thanks for stopping by!

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