Monday, July 10, 2023


 6:13 am - Monday - July 10th - LPG&RVR - 48° F, 66% humidity, wind 1 mph out of the southeast.......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 85° F.  On this date in 2021 TLE and I were in Redding, CA attempting to get our VW's smog certificate was 114° F, and we were having to stay overnight once again (I wrote about that experience here) we are having dinner at Final Draft Brewing Company......↴

Sunday we put out 24 golf carts, it got to 88° F, I trimmed a large bush next to one of the full time residences, and I mowed some tee boxes (10 & 3).  All but 3 of the 24 carts were returned prior to 5 pm.  It was windless for most of my shift, but a breeze finally came up around 3 pm making the last couple of hours much more pleasant.  When it does get warm as it has the past week, people play golf earlier, and finish earlier which is good for the golf cart washing business, and leaves me with less work each morning.  There are always a few diehards, which don't begin their rounds until mid afternoon when the course is less busy, and who can blame them?

I checked the range ball barrel late in the day to see how empty is empty it is determines how many balls I'll have to clear from the range on Monday.....the barrel had less than 30 balls left, so Monday will be another one of those 2-3 hour days clearing the range and another couple of hours washing them.  I've still got the tee boxes at 7, 16, 17 and 18 to mow, so I'm hoping there will be fewer carts to wash.

Some of you may know that Le Tour de France began on Saturday so I've been watching it every day, and so far I'm current. I watched the balance of Stage 8 Sunday evening after work.  In a few days the Women's World Cup will begin, as well as The Open (British Open Golf Tournament), so the end of July will be packed with sports TV.

The time is coming, within the next week, when the temps will rise into the 90's, maybe even up to 100, and I will be going to work at 6:30 am in order to be off by 3 pm, just as the heat of the day hits full force, so I will probably be composing my daily missives in the afternoons, after work.  I may be getting used to the heat, but I'll never get used to high 90's, and low triple digits, and why should

Time to get dressed, and head out for our third work day.....thanks for stopping by!

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