Monday, July 17, 2023

Eight straight......

5:46 pm - Monday - July 17th - LPG&RVR - 92° F, humidity 17%, wind 15 mph out o fthe west......mostly cloudy today with a realized forecast high of 94° F.  On this date in 2015 I was spending some time with my brothers......↴

Left to right: Dwyer, moi, Philip....Dwyer is 10 years younger than I, and Philip is 13 years younger....Philip is closer in age to my son, Chris, than I am.

Sunday was my first early workday this summer....I began my day at 6:30 am, worked 8 straight hours (one hour sitting in the Clubhouse office giving TLE her lunch break), and was off work at 2:30 sweet!

By 7:30 am I had staged 16 carts, and headed out to make my first round of the course.  I cleaned duck leavings off the #3 tee more geese, then headed to hole #12 to weed, and rake the first of four sand traps.  By the time I finished weeding and raking the trap at hole #18 it was after 9 am.  The traps are all looking their season best now with very few weeds daring to challenge my extra ordinary weeding skills.

The cart path connecting holes 18 and 9 with the Clubhouse needed 'dragging' again, so I spent about an hour on that task, then headed out to make another round of the course, this time as 'Marshal'.  There were no issues with which I had to deal, so I headed back to the Clubhouse to see how the cart situation was, and found just 3 carts remaining of the original 16, so I deployed another 8 carts, and called it good.  We would end up renting another 5 carts, for a total of 20 rentals on Sunday.

Soon it was time to give TLE her lunch break, and by 1 pm I had just 1.5 hours of outdoor work remaining.  I managed to clean 9 golf carts before 2:30 pm, and was home taking a cool shower by 2:40 pm.  I had forgotten how much I like getting off at 2:30 pm, just before the heat of the day engulfs LPG&RVR.

I spent time watching Stage #15 of Le Tour, and composing my daily blog post before TLE arrived home just after 5 pm.  The temperature Sunday topped out again at 99° F, so we have yet to experience a triple digit day this season.  The temps for the next 15 days are in the mid to high 90's, but no triple digits numbers grace that forecast.  When TLE arrived home there was still almost 2.5 hours of Le Tour coverage of Stage #15 remaining, which finally concluded just before 7:30 pm.  I was in bed again at 9 pm.  TLE and I both woke up around 2:30 am to the sounds of booming thunder, and unexpected rain upon the roof.  It came and went in about 20 minutes, so it must have just been a local cell which hit us.

Thanks for stopping by!

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