Monday, August 14, 2023

Guess who?

7:37 am - Monday - August 14th - LPG&RVR - 62° F, humidity 40%, wind 0 mph out of the east by southeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 96° F.  Temperatures will begin to decline over the next 3 days back into the 80's, and high 70's....nice!  On this date in 2014 TLE and I rode our bicycles over to 'The Commons' near State Line to have lunch on the shores of Lake Tahoe....I miss those views......↴ 

....however, we will be seeing those views once again in just a few weeks when we head to Lake Tahoe for our 52nd wedding anniversary celebration.

While Sunday was definitely a much more easy going day as far as golfers, and cart rentals it did not start out so well for me.  As I drove down the hill to the Clubhouse, and past the driving range tee boxes I noticed there was an enormous amount of golf balls piled on the left side of the putting green, along with some discarded trash.  I parked the cart to walk down to the tee box and found approximately 1,000 golf balls littering a large area of the tee box, some trash, and the five small ball buckets which were there the evening before gone.  As I looked around I began to see a lot of golf balls in the parking lot, and on the large grass strip in the middle of the parking lot.  It appeared that some adolescents (would actual adults do something like that?) had decided to create a little havoc in retaliation for what happened Saturday night, so let me take you back in time to around 9:20 pm Saturday evening.

TLE and I had been watching another 'Touch of Frost' episode Saturday evening, and by the time it ended it was just after 9 pm, and the outdoor temps had dropped into the 70's which was a signal for us to turn off the A/C, and open the windows to let the cool evening breezes enter.  What greeted us along with the cool night breezes was the sound of loud music, and loud singing, which sounded like it was right outside our door, and not over 100' away in the lower RV section (sites 1-10).  Knowing there was no way I was going to be able to sleep with that racket going on I walked down to site #10 where a large group of some 60+ revelers were gathered singing that Lionel Richie song I mentioned in yesterday's post about Saturday.  As I mentioned, they were quite resistant to quieting down, but eventually did, and I was able to go to sleep.  The revelers were celebrating the birthday of one of their own and were all wearing Hawaiian lei's.....notice anything in the following picture of the trash I gathered at the driving range tee boxes? are correct....a Hawaiian lei.  Below is a picture of the pile of balls left by the revelers, which had to be cleared, or the tee box could not be used...... do I know there were 1,000+ balls?  Well, one 5 gallon bucket holds 300 do the

.....the silver lining to this malicious mischief is that I was going to clear about that many balls from the range first thing as our two 55 gallon barrels were completely empty.  Instead of having to roam the lower portion of the range with a 'Shag' bag picking them up, whilst getting bit by a million mosquitoes, I was able to stand in one place and pick them up in a fraction of the time it would have otherwise taken me without getting a single mosquito bite.

In addition to the ball prank they had chopped the hell out of the grass creating 100's of divots, which had to be reseeded by yours truly before the golfing day began......this was the other side of the aforementioned silver lining.  After that inauspicious beginning my day settled down to staging carts, marshaling, washing carts, and talking with customers.  On my first marshaling round of the course I found that someone had taken the lid off the metal trash can next to the restroom on hole #5 and turned it into a 'taco'....I wonder who did that?  Anyway, I was able to straighten it out, and reattach it to the trash can.....

......since I was taking Walt's place for the day I was working with Kathie, who takes her lunch from 1-2 pm.  Normally I would be going home at 2:30 pm, but there were a lot of carts returned during her hour lunch when I was giving her a lunch break, and it took me until 3 pm to clear the inventory, and put them away.  So, another 8.5 hour work day.

Of course, TLE was enjoying a day off by herself, and was there to greet me upon my return from toiling in the fields of LPG&RVR.  The high only reached 94° F, instead of the forecast high of 95......yeah, one degree does make a least to!

Thanks for stopping by!

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