Wednesday, January 17, 2024

'A day in the life'

 7:36 am - Wednesday - January 17th - GNHS - 47° F, humidity 72%, wind 3 mph out of the southeast.....cloudy today with a forecast high of 66° F.  On this date in 2015 TLE and I were attending the wedding of our youngest daughter, Sharon.....↴

Father daughter dance

Sharon and Rod

Our 5 kids - left to right: Meredith, Kate, Sharon, Chris and Tim

It had been about a week since our small shopping foray into Mecca, and it was time for a big shopping, so we headed into La Quinta around 10:30 am to do just that.  Additionally, we needed to stop at the local Post Office to send off a package to one of our recent RZR rental customers, who forgot their wallet (about 7 credits cards, drivers license, etc) and a hat.  It's been over a week since they flew back to Texas, but we're around 35 miles from the nearest Post Office, and this was the first opportunity to mail the package.

We arrived at COSTCO around 11:30 am, and were out the door on our way to Walmart within 40 minutes.  Once we were done with Walmart we headed directly to Rubio's Coastal Grill for some fish's been over a month since we had our last

....from Rubio's we headed to the Post Office where the line was out the door, but they have one of those self serve machines.  Frankly, it was only slightly faster than waiting in line.  The system they use is so ponderous, and lacking in intuition that it took forever to mail just one package, but we got it done.  

Our next stop was Ralph's where we did the really big shopping, and after paying, and getting more fuel points we headed to their fuel station to use that 40 cent per gallon credit we had earned.  When I went to pay for the gas I couldn't find my debit card...doh!  I left it in the stupid Post Office self serve machine!  Well, we used TLE's debit card to fuel the VW, and then made a beeline back to the Post Office hoping the lady behind us was honest, and turned it in.  Thankfully, she did, and I had my debit card, and was out the door in seconds....whew!  I've had to replace lost, or damaged debit cards a few times in the last 12 years, and it is never an easy proposition, especially when you are a nomad, and are rarely, if ever at your 'home address'.  Trying to get your bank to mail you a new debit card to an address other than your home address is difficult at best.

We didn't get back home until just before 4 pm, so while TLE put away the groceries I readied the 'fire pit deck' and 'view deck' for occupancy.  Once TLE was done, which didn't take her long, we spent time on the 'viewing deck' watching the Chocolates light up, and then the sun set, then moved to the 'fire pit deck'.  TLE made popcorn for the occasion....

....we enjoyed the fire, some Etta James channel music on Pandora, the waxing moon, and each other until around 6:30 pm when we headed inside for the night.  It was another '''day in the life'.....

A day in the life - Beatles

Thanks for stopping by!

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