Thursday, January 11, 2024

Kindred spirits....

8:02 am - Thursday - January 11th - GNHS - 56° F, humidity 38%, wind 21 mph out of the north by northwest.....north winds with partly cloudy today and a forecast high of 63° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I awakened to about an inch of snow on the ground...just our second snowfall of the winter at the Grand Canyon east entrance (Desert View)......↴ our almost 12 years of vagabonding it is the only winter we have spent where it snows, and it was the last.  Once is enough, but it was a unique experience to which we adapted pretty well.

(Had to stop writing for about 15 minutes as those pesky north winds have returned, and we needed to lower the sail shades, close the umbrellas, take down the red wall, lower the dining canopy, and actually remove the fabric it is blowing so hard right now.  It was like someone flipped a switch to the 'ON' position.  One second our flag was hanging limp, and the next second it was blowing 22 mph)

Wednesday was a beautiful, sunny, crystal clear day with amazing air quality, and clarity.  We took the first of two walks around 10:30 am, the first one being of the 2+ mile variety, out to Coachella Canal Road and back......

.....we managed to average 3.2 mph covering 2.12 miles in just under 40 minutes.  Now that we know our fitness has increased to the point where we can walk fast if we wish we have decided not to push it, and just enjoy the walk.  We're still getting exercise, but it is easier on our joints.  The overnight low was around 39° F, and it was still just barely over 50° F when we began our walk at 10:30 am, so we bundled up accordingly with watch caps, jackets, and gloves.

After our walk we each did separate toning workouts, then convened back to the Newell interior for a lunch consisting of baby carrots, sliced radishes, and celery with peanut butter, and a glass of V8 for moi.  Our post Christmas weight loss continues, and with all the walking (we've covered over 30 miles walking since Christmas) we are sleeping better, and experiencing fewer aches and pains.  I think we're doing pretty well for 74+ years of age.  I definitely don't feel 19 anymore, but I definitely do not feel my current age, either.

We took our second walk of the day, this time a 1 miler, around 3 pm, and continued to average 3.2 mph....a good, steady pace full of laughter, and good conversation.  I am so blessed to have TLE in my life, especially during these nomadic years of our life.  We are kindred spirits, who like the same things, enjoy living in a small space, and living in rural America.....  

....since it had warmed all the way up to 58° F by 3 pm, so we ditched the watch caps, but still wore gloves, and jackets.

I was a little lazy Wednesday evening, and didn't make outside to photograph the Chocolates, or the sunset.  It was just very chilly, and uninviting outside.  We've actually had to run our electric heaters in the evenings until we go to bed as it begins to get quite chilly in the Newell salon, especially when the high temp of the day is only 58° F, and is a tad breezy.  We have been running them every morning for an hour, or two the past month.

The park is still a ghost town, but late Wednesday a few rigs arrived, so maybe the weekend will be busy.  Friday's arrivals will tell the tale.  Nevertheless, we are enjoying our 6 days of not work, and working hard at being more active, and losing unneeded pounds.

Thanks for stopping by!

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