Saturday, January 20, 2024

Kids weekend.....

 7:55 am - Saturday - January 20th - GNHS - 54° F, humidity 76%, wind 3 mph out of the south by southeast....cloudy today with a chance of rain this evening, and a forecast high of 64° F.  On this date in 2013 I found a couple of old tools at a yard sale in Cedar Key, FL.....I still have the hand sledge, and use it often, such as yesterday driving a wedge to split wood....I still have the spanner, but rarely use it, but I like it because it is old.....↴

Friday began quietly enough.  We had no rental bookings, and the park was pretty empty.  TLE and I took a single 1 mile out and back walk averaging around 3.3 mph.  I spent time splitting some firewood for our kids who would be arriving around 4:30 pm for the weekend.  Yup, we finally got our kids, at least two of them, to come out for the weekend....our daughter Kate, her husband Nick, and two of their kids....Jolene and Levy, as well as Sharon, her husband Rod, and their son Brayden.  I worked a deal with Russ who owns a number of rental cabins here at GNHS for just the $50 cleaning fee for the Bombay Beach Bungalow, which is right behind us....

....right there behind the propane station....the Newell is just to the right, but out of the picture.  Sharon her family will stay is actually quite nice inside.... is a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath cabin with a western view so you can see the sun set, as it is in this picture.

Kate and Nick have a travel trailer, so I got them a deal on site #1 on Snob Hill, directly across form our RZR parking area at 1/2 price.....

....and there they are this morning.

Friday was also dump the black tank probably should have been done Thursday, but I was lazy.  After dumping the black tank TLE and I took the aforementioned walk, then I spent time checking the water levels in both of our 8d house batteries.  Each battery has 6 cells, so 12 in all.  As has most often been the case over the years, the water levels in each and every cell were fine, but I added a little to each anyway.  I don't know why, but our batteries just don't loose water.  I'll check the two 8d chassis batteries after the weekend is over.

Kate and Nick arrived around 4:20 pm, and were set up in site #1 before it got dark.  Sharon and Rod arrived around 4:55 pm, and were checked into the Bombay Beach Bungalow within 15 minutes....

....the Chocolates lit up just before every arrived.

TLE and I grilled jalapeno, cream filled, bacon wrapped 'poppers' for appetizers, and then hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner.  Our 'lido deck' was full of people for the first time in a long time, and we had a great dinner, after which we retired to Kate and Nicks site for a fire....the moon is back to about 2/3's of full, so I took a few pictures....

Bombay Beach Bungalow just after sunset Friday

.....we talked and laughed until after 8 pm at which time we bid our adieus and headed for our respective abodes for the night

Thanks for stopping by!

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