Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Another resurrection.....

7:47 am - Tuesday - June 18th - LPG&RVR - 48° F, humidity 50%, wind 1 mph out of the northeast......crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 73° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were standing at the 45th parallel....half way between the equator and the north pole.....very cold....3 years earlier we stood at the same location, and it was very hot....

 The temperatures plunged back into the low 60's Monday, with the early morning low temp in the high 30's.  We didn't even venture outdoors until 10 am to take our second 2 mile out and back walk of the weekend.....how cold was it?......

.....yes, that cold....look at TLE....lol.....our pace, which coincided with the temperature was a brisk 3.3 mph......

....I'm pretty sure if TLE had really known how cold the walk would be she would have declined to walk until much later in the morning, but once committed she soldiered onward.

I was planning on golfing Monday, but with the constant breeze of 10 mph forecast for all day long, plus the wind chill factor, I opted to spend my time working around site #55.  Since we haven't used the 'viewing deck' one time this summer, and it appeared we would not be using it at any time in the near future, I moved the 5' x 7' piece of artificial turf over to the BBQ table area....

....I think the addition of the 'viewing deck' turf makes the BBQ station look much more inviting and useable.

A couple of weeks ago Kathy (office Kathy) asked if I would tune up a used bicycle she recently acquired, and I agreed.  I love bringing non functional bicycles back to life, and this bike was truly non functional.  The derailleurs were frozen in place so the shifters could not shift, the pedals would not turn, the bearings in the wheel axles were very stiff making it difficult to turn them, and the chain was very rusty.  Yup, you're right....a great candidate for a bicycle resurrection.....

....I spent about 2 hours taking the bike apart, and removing the chain so it could be soaked in WD-40 overnight.  I was able to get both derailleurs working and shifting again, and the pedals turning freely.  All that remains is to remove the wheel axles, and bearings, clean them, then regrease them, reassemble them, and the bicycle will be functional once again.  This is just an inexpensive Huffy bicycle, but I believe all bikes deserve a second life, and I love being the one to give this one that second life.  It's the first time I've had my Park bike stand out of its stowed position at the rear of the trailer since we arrived at LPG&RVR in early April.  If you have been following my blog for any period of time you know I love wrenching on bicycles, and have pretty much every tool needed to do so.  I've resurrected quite a few bikes in the 12+ years we've been living our nomadic life.

By the time I reached a stopping point with the bike it was after 4 pm, and it was getting cold again, so I closed up shop, and headed back to the warm confines of the Newell salon for the evening.

Thanks for stopping by!

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